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Free League Publishing Releases Vaesen On Steam & Tabletop

Free League Publishing has released both the main game of Vaesen and an expansion for the tabletop version and on Steam. The game is pretty cool as you and your team of investigators will head out and discover the horrible secrets of the Mythic North, trying to unravel them or break them, however you see fit. The game received a successful Kickstarter push over the summer to release the game in two different formats for players to access while also creating extra content for it. The primary game is on Steam right now through Fantasy Grounds, and you can download a PDF of the main game for $30. But that's not all as you can snag bonus content in the form of A Wicked Secret & And Other Mysteries, which provides more material for the game, which is also on Steam and in a PDF. You can read more about it below.

Beware what you might find in the Mythic North. Courtesy of Free League Publishing.
Beware what you might find in the Mythic North. Courtesy of Free League Publishing.

Be aware, the land of Vaesen is not as we know it today, this is a land where the myths are real. A cold reach covered by vast forests, its few cities lonely beacons of industry and enlightenment where a new civilization dawning. But in the countryside, the old ways still hold sway. There, people know what lurks in the dark. They know to fear it…

The Vaesen RPG Core Rulebook launched today on Fantasy Grounds and Steam, fully integrated with the VTT platform, with online maps and diagrams, player handouts ready to share, online character sheets, customized virtual dice roller, and more. Vaesen is written by praised game writer Nils Hintze (Tales from the Loop, Things from the Flood), based on the work of the acclaimed illustrator & author Johan Egerkrans. The game offers a dark Gothic setting steeped in Nordic folklore. The game mechanics use an adapted version of the award-winning Year Zero Engine created by Free League Publishing. Vaesen – A Wicked Secret & And Other Mysteries offers four strange mysteries: The Silver of the Sea, A Wicked Secret, The Night Sow and The Song of the Falling Star. The adventures are all playable on their own or as a part of a longer campaign for brave investigators that dare to stare into the darkness.


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Gavin SheehanAbout Gavin Sheehan

Gavin is the current Games Editor for Bleeding Cool. He has been a lifelong geek who can chat with you about comics, television, video games, and even pro wrestling. He can also teach you how to play Star Trek chess, be your Mercy on Overwatch, recommend random cool music, and goes rogue in D&D. He also enjoys hundreds of other geeky things that can't be covered in a single paragraph. Follow @TheGavinSheehan on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Vero, for random pictures and musings.
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