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Pokémon GO Battle League Season 10: Johto Cup Meta Feb. 2022
GO Battle League Season Ten is on its last leg in Pokémon GO. Right now, all Leagues are available including Great League, Ultra League, and Master League. In addition that that, the new Johto Cup is live in honor of this weekend's special event Pokémon GO Tour: Johto. That event brings a global ticketed offering of challenges, Special Research, and Generation Two Pokémon to players, and GO Battle League celebrates this mega-event with this Johto-only offering. Let's take a look at the meta of the standard Johto Cup, which uses the Great League CP limit of 1,500 per Pokémon and only permits those numbered in the Dex 152 through 251. Prepare to take your buddies into battle with this guide, breaking down the top species to use in Pokémon GO Johto Cup bouts right now.
The current top 20 species and moves to use in Pokémon GO's Johto Cup are:
- Skarmory: Air Slash, Brave Bird, Sky Attack
- Lanturn: Spark, Thunderbolt, Hydro Pump
- Shadow Raikou: Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Shadow Ball
- Azumarill powered up with Candy XL: Bubble, Ice Beam, Play Rough
- Shadow Meganium: Vine Whip, Frenzy Plant, Earthquake
- Qwilfish: Poison Sting, Aqua Tail, Sludge Wave
- Purified Wobbuffet powered up with Candy XL: Counter, Return, Mirror Coat
- Quagsire: Mud Shot, Stone Edge, Earthquake
- Shadow Skarmory: Air Slash, Brave Bird, Sky Attack
- Meganium: Vine Whip, Frenzy Plant, Earthquake
- Steelix: Dragon Tail, Crunch, Earthquake
- Raikou: Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Shadow Ball
- Shadow Granbull: Charm, Close Combat, Crunch
- Purified Bellossom: Bullet Seed, Leaf Blade, Return
- Ariados: Poison Sting, Cross Poison, Megahorn
- Hitmontop: Counter, Cloe Combat, Stone Edge
- Jumpluff: Bullet Seed, Acrobatics, Energy Ball
- Shadow Jumpluff: Bullet Seed, Acrobatics, Energy Ball
- Azumarill: Bubble, Ice Beam, Play Rough
- Mantine: Wing Attack, Bubble Beam, Ice Beam
Other strong choices are Shadow Bayleef powered up with Candy XL, Piloswine, Shadow Bellossom, Sudowoodo, Umbreon, Shadow Piloswine, Heracross, Noctowl, Shadow Ampharos, and Magcargo.