Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Go Battle League, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go, Sinnoh Cup
Pokémon GO Battle League Season 10: Sinnoh Cup Meta Jan. 2022
GO Battle League Season Ten continues in Pokémon GO. Right now, the Great League and the Sinnoh Cup are live. Let's take a look at the meta of the standard Sinnoh Cup, which has a CP limit of 1,500 per Pokémon and only permits Sinnoh species. Prepare to take your buddies into battle with this guide, breaking down the top species to use in Pokémon GO Sinnoh Cup bouts right now.
The current top 20 species and moves to use in Pokémon GO's Sinnoh Cup are:
- Lucario: Counter, Power-up Punch, Shadow Ball
- Bastiodon (Powered-up with Candy XL): Smack Down, Stone Edge, Flamethrower
- Pachirisu (Powered-up with Candy XL): Volt Switch, Thunder Punch, Thunderbolt
- Gastrodon: Mud Slap, Body Slam, Earth Power
- Shadow Abomasnow: Powder Snow, Ice-type Weather Ball, Energy Ball
- Abomasnow: Powder Snow, Ice-type Weather Ball, Energy Ball
- Froslass: Powder Snow, Avalanche, Shadow Ball
- Shadow Drapion: Poison Sting, Aqua Tain, Crunch
- Toxicroak: Counter, Mud Bomb, Sludge Bomb
- Muchlax: Lick, Body Slam, Bulldoze
- Cresselia: Psycho Cut, Grass Knot, Moonblast
- Drifblim: Hex, Icy Wind, Shadow Ball
- Empoleon: Waterfall, Hydro Cannon, Drill Peck
- Lickilicky: Lick, Body Slam, Earthquake
- Shadow Magnezone: Spark, Wild Charge, Mirror Shot
- Magnezone: Spark, Wild Charge, Mirror Shot
- Drapion: Poison Sting, Aqua Tain, Crunch
- Shadow Gallade: Confusion, Close Combat, Leaf Blade
- Gliscor: Wing Attack, Night Slash, Earthquake
- Trash Cloak Wormadam: Confusion, Bug Buzz, Iron Head
Other top species that work well in Pokémon GO's Sinnoh Cup that don't quite make the Top 20 choices include:
- Shadow Electivire: Thunder Shock, Wild Charge, Ice Punch
- Shadow Gliscor: Wing Attack, Night Slash, Earthquake
- Hippowdon: Fire Fang, Rock-type Weather Ball, Earth Power
- Electivire: Thunder Shock, Wild Charge, Ice Punch
- Togekiss: Charm, Aerial Ace, Flamethrower
Those looking to build teams for Great League, the other active section of GO Battle League, can see a meta ranking for Great League live on Bleeding Cool today as well.