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Pokémon GO Incense Day Psychic-Type & Steel-Type 2021 Review

This past Sunday, Pokémon GO hosted a six-hour Incense Day focusing on Beldum and other Psychic-types and Steel-types. Let's dive into what worked and didn't work for this event.

Incense Day graphic in Pokémon GO. Credit: Niantic
Incense Day graphic in Pokémon GO. Credit: Niantic

What worked in this Pokémon GO event

  • Beldum: Beldum itself was a great choice as the focus Pokémon for this event. It's a rare spawn outside of events and evolves into one of the most useful species in Pokémon GO. The lack of earlier Community Day Pokémon (like Beldum) during December 2020's Recap Comm Day was a major letdown, but it all becomes understandable if there will continue to be events like this spotlighting the Pokémon we missed. A Larvitar Incense Day, for example, would be highly desirable.
  • Meteor Mash: Another bit of December 2020 Community Day redemption here is the fact that Beldum evolved to Metagross during this event were given the hyper-useful Charged Attack Meteor Mash. Meteor Mash is essential to make Metagross a beastly attacker, and giving players a chance to get more than one? Great move.
  • Rare spawns: While some of the spawns left a bit to be desired, I was impressed by the amount of Elgeym and Skarmory popping on Incense. One thing I could've used more of, though, is Alolan Diglett. It seemed to be by far the rarest Incense spawn of the event, which I found to be a bit strange.

What didn't work in this Pokémon GO event

  • Relationship to Searching for Legends event: This is no big deal but it felt a bit odd that this Incense Day shared half a theme (Steel-types) with the Searching for Legends event that ended hours prior. Spacing these events out could've made this Incense Day stand out a bit more as its own feature, or even extended the Searching for Legends event by a day and enveloping this into it, so we could go back to hunting Nosepass after the Incense spawns left could've been nice.


Overall, any issue with this Incense Day was minor. Good concept, solid execution, and a great chance at one of the best moves in Pokémon GO for one of the best Pokémon in the franchise.

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Theo DwyerAbout Theo Dwyer

Theo Dwyer writes about comics, film, and games.
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