Posted in: Board Games, Games, Renegade Game Studios, Review, Tabletop | Tagged: Heroes of the Grid, mighty morphin power rangers, power rangers, saban
Power Rangers: Heroes Of The Grid Board Game Is Massively Cool
Renegade Game Studios is a tabletop game company whose credits include Clank!, the Altered Carbon role-playing game, and Space Battle Lunchtime, have a gem on their hands with their ever-expanding board game, Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid. The use of the Power Rangers intellectual property means that Renegade has a wellspring that's about twenty-plus years deep and still kicking. We have a copy of many of the major releases for Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid, and that means we're going to get deep into reviewing this game.
Created by Jonathan Ying, this game, as one would expect, revolves around the primary characters of the Power Rangers in their efforts to protect their hometown of Angel Grove from the evil forces of Rita Repulsa and her otherwise-unstoppable army of monsters. The game itself is boxed in a large, satin-textured box and that box is entirely necessary as the core game has a ton of components in it.
While the box itself is quite heavy implying the presence of many superfluous parts like sprues or the like, that isn't the case as the box has everything needed to play and that's it. The miniature figures in this release come without the need for assembly, just paint (if players so choose to paint their miniatures, a feat that isn't necessary but definitely appreciated). The figures are larger than typical wargame sizes, so they're not really suitable to use as conversion fodder for other games, but in all honesty, why would you want to convert these figures for any other game? They're fine where they are.
The main figures got a bit shaken up (presumably in transit) before they got to us, but that doesn't make much difference as they are still intact. The plastic involved in the molding process seems very durable for these Power Rangers miniatures.
All in all, Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid is a fairly simple game to play, even if the rules imply that it's going to be an uphill battle to win. You have to keep Angel Grove's locations calm and keep the Command Center running smoothly, all while besting Rita Repulsa and her minions.
The figures and concepts of the game feel well-attuned to the Power Rangers IP and as such, they can be expanded as the properties are expanded themselves. Renegade has already added the Power Rangers from the Zeo and In Space series to the game, and those are either available now or are presently for preorder. As such, we have another nine reviews coming your way, so stay tuned!