A new Max Battle Weekend event in Pokémon GO will focus on the Legendary Beast, Raikou. Let's take a look at what this event will offer.
Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: pokemon, Wimpod, World of Wonders
Shiny Wimpod Arrives In Pokémon GO With Sizeable Surprises
Sizeable Surprises is the newly announced Pokémon GO event. It features the release of Shiny Wimpod and Ultra Beasts in Tier Five raids.
Article Summary
- Shiny Wimpod debuts in Pokémon GO during Sizeable Surprises event.
- Ultra Beasts Celesteela and Kartana released in Shiny form for Tier Five Raids.
- Huge event bonuses include 2× XP on Nice Throws and encounters with XXS/XXL Pokémon.
- Wild, Raid, and Field Research spawns include multiple Shiny eligible Pokémon.
Pokémon GO has announced a new slate of content and events in April 2024. This includes the Shiny release of the Ultra Beasts Kartana and Celesteela in Tier Five Raids. In addition to this, we are getting a new event to start the month that introduces Shiny Wimpod to the game for the first time. Let's get into the details.
Here's what's happening for the Sizeable Surprises event in Pokémon GO:
- Date and time: Thursday, April 4, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, April 9, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. local time
- Shiny release: Wimpod will be available in its Shiny form for the first time. It can be found in the wild and through Field Research tasks.
- Wild Spawns: Diglett (can be Shiny), Mantine (can be Shiny), Wailmer (can be Shiny), Joltik (can be Shiny), Cutiefly (can be Shiny), Wimpod (can be Shiny), Tynamo, and Cetoddle. Rare spawns will include Onix (can be Shiny) and Snorlax (can be Shiny).
- Event bonuses:
- 2× XP for successfully catching Pokémon with Nice Throws or better.*
- Increased chance to encounter XXS and XXL Pokémon in the wild.
- Increased chance of encountering Shiny Wailmer!
- This bonus will not stack with the Catch XP bonus for the April Community Day Classic.
- Collection Challenges that will include encounters with Wimpod and Wailmer.
- PokéStop Showcases.
- Raids:
- Tier One: Foongus (can be Shiny), Klink (can be Shiny), Espurr (can be Shiny), and Tadbulb.
- Tier Three: Alolan Exeggutor (can be Shiny), Gyarados (can be Shiny), Galarian Weezing (can be Shiny), and Snorlax (can be Shiny).
- Tier Five: Celesteela (can be Shiny) in the Southern Hemisphere and Kartana (can be Shiny) in the Northern Hemisphere.
- Mega Raids: Mega Charizard X (can be Shiny)
- Field Research: Encounters include Onix (can be Shiny), Snorlax (can be Shiny), Wailmer (can be Shiny), Cutiefly (can be Shiny), Wimpod (can be Shiny), and Tynamo.

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