Gang Beasts is a multiplayer party game where players control gelatinous characters and take part in slaptstick fight sequences. It's a party game meant
Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: playstation, playstation 4, Skyforge
Skyrforge Is Out On PS4 And Has A New Trailer
MMO Skyforge is now out on PlayStation 4, and got a new trailer to mark the occasion. In a post on the PlayStation Blog, the game's developers left a series of tips for new players, alongside some screenshots.
- Tip 1 – don't skip the tutorials. Specifically, they want you to pay attention to the story, character comments, and tips on the side of the screen.
- Tip 2 – play the campaign as it unlocks new bastions and awards you with divinity and gives you a divine form. Without completing the campaign, you're just a regular immortal. Once you finish it, well, now you're a god aren't you?
- Tip 3 – check out multiple classes. You acquire resources as you progress that let you unlock different classes, there are 11 total in the game though only 3 are available at the start, so it definitely benefits you to test out a few.
- Tip 4 – understand stats. Skyforge doesn't have levels, but instead awards you prestige, an indicator of your overall viability as an immortal or god.
- Tip 5 – increasing your gear will grant you more prestige.
- Tip 6 – increase your might by using the Cathedra, the Towere of Knowledge, and Bastions. Bastions allow you to access special quests which increase your might and grant additional bonuses.
- Tip 7 – use enemy weapons and occasionally their body parts to help you in your eternal quest for more prestige. With no healers and no one to heal tanks, killing things becomes the ultimate priority, since, you can die without the health orbs that they drop.
- Tip 8 – find friends. Like most MMOs, Skyforge is more fun in a group. You can either drag your real-world friends into the game with you, befriend other beginners, or join a Pantheon (the Skyforge guild system).
If you want to read the full tips, you can read them on the PlayStation Blog.

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