Posted in: Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Final Fantasy XIV, Games, Outriders, PAX East, Square Enix, Video Games | Tagged: final fantasy vii remake, Final Fantasy XIV, Outriders, PAX East, Square Enix
Square Enix Reveals Their PAX East 2020 Lineup
Square Enix has revealed what they'll be bringing to the dance this week at PAX East, and what they have in store is kind of surprising. First, what caught us off guard is that there isn't a lot here. Which is surprising for SE. However, what they are bringing is pretty big. As always, Final Fantasy XIV will be at the con featuring the game's latest updates and content to come. Second, they are bringing a demo of Final Fantasy VII Remake for everyone to play. Third, and a little out of the blue since we assumed it would be saved for E3 2020, the company is bringing Outriders for everyone to try out. Which won't even be released until the holidays, so you're getting to see it nine months ahead of time. Here's what else Square Enix has planned for PAX East.
- Final Fantasy VII Remake (Booth #12011)
- Playable gameplay demo – Fans can get hands-on with the game at the Square Enix booth.
- Signing session – Voice actors Britt Baron (Tifa), John Eric Bentley (Barret), Briana White (Aerith), Erica Lindbeck (Jessie) and Gideon Emery (Biggs) will sign for players on Saturday, February 29: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., Sunday, March 1 at 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (EST). A limited number of tickets for the signing session will be available at 10:30 a.m. (EST) each morning in the signing session area of Booth #12011.
- Epic photo opportunity – Players can have their photo snapped with Cloud's iconic Hardy Daytona motorcycle.
- Giveaways – double-sided posters featuring the new artwork of the captivating cast of Final Fantasy VII Remake – Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Barret and Red XIII will be available at the booth.
- Final Fantasy XIV Online (Booth #15010)
- Ruby Weapon Battle Challenge – Attendees can take on the fearsome Ruby Weapon—the latest 8-player trial released with Patch 5.2. Those who emerge victorious will receive an "I BEAT RUBY WEAPON" t-shirt.
- Photo Opportunity – Fans will have the chance to snap a photo in front of our expansive themed backdrop while posing with a selection of "real-life" weapons from Shadowbringers™.
- Poster Giveaway – PAX attendees who visit the Final Fantasy XIV booth can receive a double-sided poster featuring artwork of the jobs of Final Fantasy XIV drawn by Lead Character Concept Artist Yusuke Mogi, while supplies last.
- Developer Livestream – Join Final Fantasy XIV Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida and Lead Character Concept Artist Yusuke Mogi for a special livestream titled "The Artwork of Final Fantasy XIV: A Look Behind the Screen." The stream will be hosted on the official Final Fantasy XIV Twitch channel on Saturday, February 29 at 8:00 p.m (EST).
- Postcard Giveaway – Fans can receive a free postcard for the upcoming tactical mobile RPG, War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exivus, featuring artwork of Y'shtola in her Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers attire. In addition, attendees who have pre-registered for the game can receive a double-sided art card. Both items will be available at the Final Fantasy XIV booth, while supplies last.
- Outriders
- People Can Fly Developer panel – "A New Flavor of Sci-Fi: Creating the Universe of Outriders," will take place on Saturday, February 29 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. (EST) at the Albatross Theatre.
- Join Lead Writer Joshua Rubin and key members of the Outriders team as they discuss the process of creating a dark and brutal Sci-Fi universe from scratch. Featuring exclusive new content and information about Outriders, the highly anticipated upcoming RPG Shooter from Square Enix External Studios and People Can Fly.
Additionally, fans can visit the Square Enix Booth #12011 to purchase the latest Square Enix merchandise.
- Check out the newest t-shirts, Final Fantasy XI: Mithkabob, Final Fantasy XIV – The Sundering: Hydaelyn Kick & Final Fantasy VII Renmake: Cloud.
- Attendees will be able to purchase FFinal Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers acrylic stands of favorite characters ahead of their release on the Square Enix Store.
- Purchase cards and learn to play the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game; earn promotional cards and get tips on how best to use the newly released Cloud vs. Sephiroth 2-player deck.