Posted in: Card Games, Games, Pokémon TCG, Tabletop | Tagged: Fidough, pokemon, pokemon cards, Scarlet & Violet
The Cards Of Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet Part 24: Fidough Line
Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet featured the debut of the bakery-themed Paldean speces Fidough Line which are classified as Psychic-type cards.
The Scarlet & Violet era of the Pokémon TCG has begun. With Sword & Shield officially concluded, the Scarlet & Violet era kicked off in March 2023 with a focus on the ninth generation of Pokémon games and the new region: Paldea. It all began with Scarlet & Violet base set, which was officially released in the United States on March 31st, 2023. This set introduced major, lasting changes to the hobby. Now, the borders of the cards have become silver, matching the Japanese releases. Another major change is that now each pack culminates in at least a holo-rare and two reverse holos. The major mechanic of this era is the lowercase ex, which features a double holographic pattern of a horizontal shine and a starry sparkle. Full Art exs now use a green, foil outline around the Pokémon. Secret Rare section of expansions going forward features Full Arts, Illustration Rares and Special Illustration Rare exs, Full Art Trainers, Special Illustration Rare Trainers, and Gold Hyper Rares. In today's installment of this Scarlet & Violet base set spotlight, let's take a look at the debut of two new Paldean species.
Fidough was one of the first Pokémon to be revealed in Scarlet & Violet gameplay footage. Fidough is a Fairy-type Pokémon inspired by canines and baked goods. Because Fairy Energy is currently retired in the Pokémon TCG, it shows up as Psychic-type here.
Fidough evolves into Dachsbun, both of whom get their first cards in Scarlet & Violet base set. Let's take a look at their Dex entries so we can get to know them better.
First, the base form of Fidough:
This Pokémon is smooth and moist to the touch. Yeast in Fidough's breath induces fermentation in the Pokémon's vicinity.
The yeast in Fidough's breath is useful for cooking, so this Pokémon has been protected by people since long ago.
Now, the evolution, Dachsbun:
The pleasant aroma that emanates from this Pokémon's body helps wheat grow, so Dachsbun has been treasured by farming villages.
The surface of this Pokémon's skin hardens when exposed to intense heat, and its body has an appetizing aroma.
Fidough gets two cards in this set, with the first card to the left drawn by Mizue, who accentuates the Pokémon's color palette with well-placed yellow flowers, and the middle card drawn by Saya Tsuruta, who switches to pink flowers which symbolize hearts coming off of this cheerful critter. Dachsbun gets its first appearance illustrated by You Iribi, who makes this Pokémon look like a freshly baked loaf.
Stay tuned for the journey through this special set as we continue to spotlight the cards and artwork of Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet. Next time, the spotlight continues with the main section of the set. You can read more about this iconic trading card game on Bleeding Cool.