Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: charge up, Niantic, Niantic Labs, pokemon, pokemon go
The Charge Up Event Begins Today In Pokémon GO
The Charge Up event begins in Pokémon GO today. Let's get into the details of the first-ever Electric-type event in the game!
Here are the details, right from the Pokémon GO blog:
Charge up your batteries, and get ready to roll—Electric-type Pokémon will soon have their moment in the spotlight with the first-ever Charge Up event! Similar to previous events like Psychic Spectacular and Bug Out!, this event will focus on catching, evolving, and powering up Pokémon of a single type. This time, it's Electric!
Date + Time Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. to Monday, March 22, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. local time
Features Electric-type Pokémon—including Alolan Geodude, Voltorb, Electrike, Stunfisk, and more—will be appearing more frequently in the wild. Also keep an eye out for Tynamo, which will be making its Pokémon GO debut!
Wow. It's hard to believe that there has never been an event themed around Electric-types yet. In any case, the wording here in "the first-ever Charge-Up event" as well as the comparison to the annual Bug Out event suggests that this is going to be something that Niantic comes back to, which is pretty big. Recurring events always add a bit of hype annually, so it's cool to imagine that they're looking ahead.
Also, we see here that we're getting the release of another Unova Pokémon with Tynamo. Niantic really opened that door to Kalos, let a few Pokémon in, and then shut that thing real quick, huh?
Anyway, it is cool to see that we're getting more and more Unova releases as the remaining species now dwindles. Personally, I'm hoping we don't have to wait until Halloween for a Zorua release.
The following Electric-type Pokémon will be hatching from 5 km Eggs: Pichu, Elekid, Electrike, Shinx, Joltik, Tynamo, and Stunfisk.
Shinx from 5 KM Eggs is pretty cool, as that Pokémon has quite a boosted Shiny rate. It's also nice to see Pichu back in event Eggs. Personally, if you're not specifically hunting for the Shinies of either of these Pokémon, these are pretty skippable Eggs.
Event-exclusive Field Research tasks will reward Poké Balls, Ampharos Mega Energy, Manectric Mega Energy, encounters with Electric-type Pokémon, and more. Timed Research focused on evolving and powering up Electric-type Pokémon will be available!
Stay tuned for a full breakdown of the Timed Research's tasks and rewards. We can already see here in the announcement that we're going to be tasked with powering Pokémon up, so a good way to prepare for that would be to take advantage of tonight's Voltorb Spotlight Hour bonus: double catch Stardust.
The following Pokémon will be appearing in raids. Voltorb, Shinx, Blitzle, Klink, and Tynamo will be appearing in one-star raids. Alolan Raichu, Alolan Graveler, Magneton, and Ampharos will be appearing in three-star raids. Therian Forme Thundurus will be appearing for the first time in five-star raids.
If you haven't been lucky in Mega Ampharos raids, remember that the unlocking of a Mega unlocks its Shiny encounters no matter the form of the encounter. That means that you will be able to encounter Shiny Ampharos through Tier Three raids, which can be completed by solo players. Good luck!
Mega-Evolved Manectric—otherwise known as Mega Manectric—will be making its Pokémon GO debut in Mega Raids! Mega Houndoom and Mega Abomasnow will also be appearing in Mega Raids at this time.
Don't miss our Raid Guides for all of these species, with a brand new guide for Mega Manectric and updates guides for Houndoom and Abomasnow to account for the quickly-changing meta of Pokémon GO.
Good luck out there, fellow trainers!