Posted in: Daybreak Games, Games, Video Games | Tagged: lord of the rings, Standing Stone Games, The Lord of the Rings Online
The Lord Of The Rings Online Launches Update 35
The Lord Of The Rings Online has released Update 35 this week with a ton of new changes and additions for you to try out.
Standing Stone Games have officially released a new update for The Lord Of The Rings Online, as Update 35 has been made live for the game. Teh crux of the new content revolves around the new storyline, Return to Carn Dûm, which will take you into a few new areas after suffering from setbacks from previous chapters. They've also overhauled many of the game's classes, changed up crafting mechanics, and more. We have many of the patch notes below, as you can read the extensive list of what's been added on the game's website.
Angmar Reborn: Carn Dûm
After suffering countless setbacks and defeats, the last remnants of the Iron Crown have returned to Carn Dûm, hoping to wield a lost artifact of the Witch-king of Angmar to win dominion over the Free Peoples of Middle-earth. Aid the Hill-men of the North and their allies in the fight to cast off the Iron Crown once and for all! This Update features three new Instances, and soon a new Raid, for Level 140 Players set in a re-imagined Carn Dûm! Players who wish to aid in the fight against the Iron Crown should travel to Bail Avarc in Angmar. Bail Avarc can be reached via the stable masters at Esteldín, Gath Forthnír, and Rivendell. Bail Avarc can initially only be accessed via stable-master routes, but other options for Swift Travel are available for barter from the Stewards of the Iron-home.
- Small Fellowship:
- Sant Lhoer, the Poison Gardens – (Available for tiers 1-3)
- Thaurisgar, the Vile Apothecary – (Available for tiers 1-3)
- Fellowship:
- Sagroth, Lair of Vermin – (Available for tiers 1-3)
- Gwathrenost, the Witch-king's Citadel
The Lord Of The Rings Online: Crafting
- Craftable Traceries now appear in a separate category marked "Traceries" instead of appearing under "Essences" in The Lord Of The Rings Online crafting menu.
- The craftable Draigoch Armour pieces have had their stats updated so that critical versions are always superior to normal versions, and have had their stats updated to reflect modern class roles and statistical needs.
- 'Practice Makes Perfect' Crafting Tutorial Quest will now give Universal Ingredient Packs as a reward instead of Apprentice Ingredient Packs.
- Crafting: Cook
- 8 new Cooking recipes can be found in loot in the Angmar Reborn instance cluster. 4 recipes from the instances create foods that can be consumed during combat.
- 4 recipes from the Raid create foods that will persist through defeat.
- Update 35 includes significant changes to how Mastery and Damage Modifiers are calculated.
- For some time quite a few damage effects have been weaker than their numbers would suggest, due to the way the game previously calculated damage bonuses and the players' Mastery stat. We have changed how Mastery is treated in these calculations as follows to allow your damage buffs to behave more like their numbers suggest.
- There are three major changes in particular:
- Mastery is now calculated as a separate multiplier from the rest of your damage modifiers.
- Some modifiers directly multiplied damage rather than being treated additively. We've changed their tooltips to make their damage modifiers clearly distinct.
- Additive damage modifiers are still indicated as "+10% Melee Damage" or similar.
- Multiplicative damage mods are now indicated as "x1.1 Melee Damage" or similar.
- Multiplicative and Additive damage de/buffs did not have a guaranteed Order of Operation. This could lead to irregular results if multiple de/buffs of both types were present on an entity. The order of operations should no longer be relevant in damage calculations, as all additive buffs occur in a single segment of the calculation.
- Damage Mod Rescaling:
- These calculation changes have required us to go through the game and review pretty much all the player damage mods. Most of them are substantially more effective when calculated this way, so we've reduced the base magnitude of most of them to avoid upsetting the current game balance too significantly. For a given value, players can expect a given buff % to feel x2 to x3 times as strong as they were before depending on their Mastery. Accordingly we've reduced the magnitude of most of them by a lesser factor. The final result should be that virtually all of these buffs should feel MORE effective than they were before. The value listed on the buff should be much more commensurate with its actual game effect which is the main purpose of all this.
- Below is a list of most of the damage modifiers in the game that have been altered as a result of this change. To keep the notes readable, all modifiers below can be assumed to apply to the Outgoing Damage mod of each effect, or as a modifier to such an effect. For effects with several tiers, generally only the change to the highest/final tier has been listed.