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The Rarest Generation Three Shiny Pokémon In Pokémon GO
Shiny Pokémon are some of the most sought after encounters in Pokémon GO. They are rare versions of Pokémon with different color palettes. Generally, the odds of encountering one are one in 450, but there are some species that, for a variety of reasons, are more difficult to find. These are the Top Five rarest Generation Three Shinies in Pokémon GO.
5. Shiny Beautifly & Dustox
Beautifly and Dustox are the two possible third-stage evolutions of Wurmple, which has a split evolutionary line. Wurmple isn't a rare Pokémon, but these two are tough to collect as a pair because of the random way the Pokémon evolves. Players can't pick which route Wurmple will go when evolved, so even if one catches seven Shiny Wurmple, they may, unfortunately, end up evolving up seven Shiny Beautifly in an effort to get one Dustox.
4. Shiny Skitty
Also not an altogether rare spawn, Skitty makes this list because of how new its Shiny form is paired with the rate at which it spawned during its release, the Hoenn Throwback Event. While the other generation's Shiny releases spawned at a decent rate, Skitty seemed nerfed during the Hoenn week, leaving it as one of the rarer Shinies of Generation Three so far. It will likely drop from the list as time goes on.
3. Mawile & Absol
Mawile and Absol both have a boosted Shiny rate, but they make this list because of their unavailability in the wild outside of limited events. Both are only available through Eggs and Raid and, in the past, as Shadow Pokémon through Team GO Rocket Leader encounters. It will be interesting to see if Shiny Absol becomes more common now that it will be a soloable Tier Three raid boss when it returns to the rotation.
2. Shiny Nincada
Nincada has been the focus of two events this year, its Shiny release and the Bug Out event, but it remained a relatively rare spawn during both. Now that the events are no longer active, Nincada is almost impossible to find in the wild. Luckily, though, it does seem to have a boosted Shiny rate, so trainers lucky enough to find out may have a shot at this golden bug.
1. Spinda
Spinda is at the top of this list because it is perhaps the only Pokémon in the game that has a skill barrier to catching it. Spinda is only available through the "Make Five Great Curveball Throws in a Row" Pokéstop task, which, for some players, is a huge feat. The task itself is rare and, with no other ways to hunt Spinda, it reigns as the rarest current Generation Three Shiny Pokémon… and let's not even get into the fact that it has multiple different patterns that hardcore collectors will want to chase, making the full set even rarer.
Honorable Mentions
- Regionals: Seviper, Zangoose, Volbeat, and Illumise make the honorable mentions because they are currently region locked so are impossible to catch for all players, but recent events have made these widely available for a short amount of time.
- Legendary Titans: Regirock, Registeel, and Regice don't have a higher Shiny rate than other Legendary Pokémon, but unlike Rayquaza, Kyogre, Groudon, and other Legendaries, their Shiny release didn't give each species a month-long tenure as a raid boss, leaving players with a shorter amount of time to attempt to Shiny hunt these three.