The newly announced Pokémon GO event, Steeled Resolve, introduces Rookidee and brings back older Community Day-exclusive moves.
Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: pokemon, Poliwag, Season of Hidden Gems
Today Is Poliwag Community Day In Pokémon GO: Full Details
Three Community Day events in one month? After the chaos with the Squirtle Squad, today is Poliwag Community Day in Pokémon GO.
Niantic is closing out the month of July with a Community Day in Pokémon GO. Actually, considering the fact that we had Squirtle Community Day Classic and then a make-up of that event, this is the odd third Community Day of the month. Let's get into the details for today's Poliwag Community Day.
Here are the full details for today's Pokémon GO Community Day event, which will feature Poliwag:
- Date and time: Sunday, July 30, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time
- Featured Pokémon: Poliwag. This Pokémon's split evolutionary path will give it a special attack per path, with one move for Poliwrath and the other for Politoed. Note that Poliwag has already had its Shiny released.
- Evolving Poliwag or Poliwhirl, all the way up to Poliwrath, will unlock the special Fighting-type Fast Attack of Counter.
- Trainer Battles: 8 power
- Gym and raids: 12 power
- Evolving Poliwag or Poliwhirl all the way up to Politoed using a King's Rock will unlock the special Ice-type Charged Attack of Ice Beam.
- Trainer Battles: 90 power
- Gym and raids: 90 power
- Evolving Poliwag or Poliwhirl, all the way up to Poliwrath, will unlock the special Fighting-type Fast Attack of Counter.
- Field Research and Timed Research: Both of these will reward Trainers with King's Rocks to evolve Poliwhirl to Politoed. The Field Research will also give out Ultra Balls, Poliwag encounters, and more.
- Community Day Special Research Storyline: This $1 Timed Research will be available in the shop. Here is what Niantic has to say about this questline:
- "For US$1.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency), you'll be able to access the Poliwag Community Day–exclusive Special Research story, Slippery Swirls. Stay tuned for when tickets for the Special Research story go live. Don't forget: you're now able to purchase and gift tickets to any of your friends that you've achieved a Friendship level of Great Friends or higher with.* To gift a ticket, tap the Special Research ticket in the in-game shop, then tap the Gift button instead of the Buy button. Tickets are nonrefundable (subject to applicable law and the exceptions set forth in the Terms of Service). Please note that this Special Research will not include an in-game medal."
- Event bonuses:
- 1/4 Egg Hatch Distance when Eggs are placed in an Incubator during the event period.
- Lure Modules activated during the event will last for three hours.
- Incense (excluding Daily Adventure Incense) activated during the event will last for three hours.
- GO Snapshot photobombs
- Double the chance of receiving Candy XL from catching Pokémon for Trainers Level 31 and up
- One extra Special Trade for a maximum of three Special Trades per day
- Half off Stardust for Trades
- Double catch Candy
- Poliwag-themed Stickers
- Tier Four Raids: After Community Day hours, Poliwhirl will feature in special in-person exclusive Tier Four Raids. Niantic writes:
- "After the three-hour Community Day event ends, Trainers will be able to take on special four-star Raid Battles. Claiming victory in one of these raids will cause more Poliwag to appear around the Gym that hosted the raid for 30 minutes! *Poliwag that appear under these circumstances will have the same chance of appearing as a Shiny Pokémon as those that appear during July Community Day's three-hour event period."
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