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Diversity And Challanging Preconceptions Is A Big Part Of Battlefield 1's Goals
When you think of WWI, a very defined picture of mud and trenches probably comes to mind. It's known as one of the most brutal wars of the modern era, and with that comes images of dirt, grime and sadness.
Well, it seems that DICE are going to be trying to take Battlefield 1 into other directions. Speaking to GamesBeat, Lead designer Daniel Berlin said that the game had a clear goal to differentiate what we understand about WWI with the title. He said:
When we set out on this game, we wanted to depict not just the common view of what the war was like. We wanted to challenge some preconceptions. We want to delve into some of the unknowns of World War One. Maybe people don't know that this person fought or that person fought, that this army was involved. We're stretching out and bringing all those stories into the game.
When asked specifically about why the cover character was chosen to be a black soldier, Berlin said:
We want to show diversity in the game. That's been a key goal. You can see in the trailer that there's a Bedouin woman warrior on a horse. She's a playable character in the single-player campaign.
It certainly will be interesting to see how this plays out. Highlighting stuff that we just don't often see associated with the war could be really valuable in painting the pop culture understanding of it. I hope DICE recognise the weight of responsibility that brings too.