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Minecraft: Education Edition To Expand On The Game's Potential Role In The Classroom


Minecraft has been used as an educational tool in a lot of ways, and has even seen use in some schools. It's a very interesting trend that shows the expansion of the role of games in society that will be fascinating to see grow.

In fact, Minecraft's role in education has just gotten a bump by the announcement of Minecraft: Education Edition. Microsoft have taken on the MinecraftEdu mod and are looking to expand it in more accessible ways. It will launch this summer, and schools can opt in for $5 each year, for each user. There will also be a website, where things like lesson plans will be covered and discussed.

I will be interested in seeing how this works, and trying to figure out the educational potential of the game. I don't expect this to become widespread anytime soon, but I can actually see a lot of benefit for students to engage in controlled gaming space. Interesting.

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