Posted in: 2K Games, Games, Video Games, WWE, WWE 2K | Tagged: Dakota Kai, WWE 2K24
WWE's Dakota Kai Chats WWE 2K24, Her Injury Recovery, & More
During a special preview event for WWE 2K24, we had the chance to chat with Dakota Kai about a number of topics, including the game.
Article Summary
- Dakota Kai discusses being in WWE 2K24 and her likeness in the game.
- Kai reflects on her gaming past and her friends\' reactions to her in-game character.
- She talks about her injury recovery and her anticipation to return to the ring.
- Kai gives her thoughts on upcoming WrestleMania and potential opponents.
A few weeks ago, we were lucky to be a part of a WWE 2K24 preview event where we tried out a build of the game and had a chance to chat with a few WWE superstars in the mix. One of the people we got to chat with was Dakota Kai, who played the game with some of us and also happily chatted about what's been happening lately with her. Enjoy our interview with Kai, as the game is out now.
BC: Have you had a chance to play the game yet?
DK: So this game, I've literally only played a couple of games for the first time today. So it's been cool, but I played the ones from the previous years and things like that. But it's dope. There's some new things in there, like new modes. That's cool.
Have you seen yourself in WWE 2K24?
I did, yeah! Someone showed me my entrance, which is really weird to see because it always takes me back to high school. I had a group of guy friends that we used to game together, and we used to go to internet cafes together after school and play World of Warcraft, so that was like my gaming group buddies. But we'd always create ourselves like Create A Wrestler in all these wrestling games. So, to see that is just so weird. It's so weird to me. And then they'll message me and be like, "What the heck?" We all used to make ourselves and have storylines of matches and stuff back in the day. And now that I'm in the game, it's just very weird. It's very cool.
Are you satisfied with how you look at how you perform in the game?
Yeah, I really like how I look, and we don't usually get a say in terms of what gear or hairstyle. They kind of just pick whatever they want. Previous years have been a bit like, "Oh, they chose that gear?" Like, I have way better gear that I wore! You know what I mean? But I like the version of me in this one.
Have you seen your moveset?
I'm assuming it's probably the same as the previous years, but.
Do you ever see yourself perform in the game and think, "I'd never throw a punch like that"?
Yeah, I do! Although it was something that happened, I think it was either the first or second time I was in a game, and my entrance was done in a way where I was like, "I don't like how I'm walking." I don't know, there was something to it. Whoever MOCAP'd it put their own little flair to it, but it wasn't really me. But so far, it's been good. This year's [game] looks very accurate..
How's things going for you in WWE?
Good. I mean, I've not been cleared for the last eight months because I had ACL surgery, so we're at the tail end right now where I'm basically almost cleared, so I can actually get back into the ring and start doing stuff now. I did something last week and that's they allowed me to do that just because I am at the tail end of my recovery. So they're like, "Okay, she's she's totally fine to like run," you know what I mean? In terms of wrestling matches, they had to hold off a little bit longer, but that's very, very soon.
How has it been nursing the injury on the road? Because you've been active, going out there with Damage Control at ringside and things like that.
I'm grateful for it. It was hard to start traveling so soon after surgery. They haven't brought anyone back to be on TV on a weekly basis that hasn't been cleared yet. Obviously, I have FOMO, I'll look in the ring and be like, "I wish I could do that." But I am grateful that I'm still able to be part of the story in that capacity. But it's one of those things where I have to deal with people, mostly online, saying, "So she doesn't wrestle anymore? She's just standing there for seven months," because they forget that I'm not actually cleared. But I've been grateful to be part of the story still, and we're so close to where I can actually do stuff again.
We're building up to WrestleMania, what are your thoughts going into that?
Well, it's just very weird. I feel like I've been in a position where I didn't really want to be in terms of Damage Control and stuff. But this match is going to be crazy, and the story behind it is going to be super cool and emotional. I'm sort of torn, but I think Bayley has a lot more going in. She brought Iyo [Sky] and myself in to form Damage Control two years ago now, so there's a lot of emotion riding on this match. I don't know if I can pick, because Iyo has been a dope-ass champion since last year. So yeah, I don't know. I'm torn.
When you finally do get back in, is there anyone you want to start scrapping with?
Oh, I don't know. I haven't really thought about it. It's been weird because my mind has totally been on rehab for the last nine months. After rehab, it takes you a few matches to kind of get back into the swing of things and to be mentally not hesitant and actually just be confident. So I think I'm happy to get in the ring with whoever, and once we get past that, I'll be like, "Okay, let's hit the ground running!"
Any final thoughts on the game before we go?
Oh, the game is cool. Although I'm not good at those kinds of fighting games. It's weird because I'm in it, but I'm not the best at them. So I just got my butt kicked like three times. But it's cool, I'm always a sucker for the War Games mode, it's fun.