Posted in: DC Universe, Movies, TV | Tagged: arrow, cw, entertainment, HRL, Katie Cassidy, Manu Bennett, stephen amell, television
Arrow Season 6: Oliver Must Balance Being The Green Arrow And A Father
The CW has released the official Arrow Season 6 trailer. And unsurprisingly, it's pretty Oliver Queen (Green Arrow)-heavy, as Stephen Amell's character wasn't on Lian Yu when the bombs went off.
In the clip we see a bit more high-flying Green Arrow as he is doing some aerial stunts, like swinging up and over the bad guys or diving off a freeway overpass. He also gets some parenting advice from his old island best friend Slade Wilson (Manu Bennett), and tries to balance being the man people need him to be and the father his son needs him to be. Is so nice having Bennett back, even in small amounts.
We also get glimpses of Laurel Lance, AKA Black Siren (Katie Cassidy), and Dinah Drake, AKA Black Canary (Juliana Harkavy) — two other characters we know make it off the island, as the actors have been moved up to series regulars. No other series regular appears in the trailer, so they really want to play out the show lives and who dies mystery.
If I had to guess, I'm thinking that either no one dies, but there are some serious injuries that people will have to deal with — or we might lose Sarah Clayton or Quentin Lance. I'd hate to lose Lance, one of my favorites… and killing Sarah makes sense to why Oliver has William. But her being seriously injured and recovering explains that too and they could then have her take William back if they don't want Oliver to be a father full time.
Interesting to note that the Arrow logo displayed at the end of the video (and seen above) is a bit brighter than previous seasons. Perhaps an indication of the tone for Season 6.
Arrow returns Thursday, October 12th at 9 p.m. EST on the CW.