Posted in: Movies | Tagged: jerry lewis, journalistic untegrity
Jerry Lewis Totally Pwns THR Reporter During Patronizing Interview
Yesterday, The Hollywood Reporter set out to publish a series of interviews with entertainers, all over 90, who were still working in the entertainment business. Talking to industry legends like Dick Van Dyke, Betty White, Don Rickels, Cloris Leachman, Stan Lee, and others, the feature's title, "Creative Until You Die: 10 Hollywood Legends, Over 90, Who Refuse To Quit," as well as its general theme of recognizing these entertainers more for the audacity that they're still alive and performing, as opposed to their incredible life accomplishments, could be viewed as somewhat insulting from certain perspectives. That seems to be how Jerry Lewis took it, as the legendary comedian engaged THR in one of the most awkwardly hostile interviews ever for a full seven minutes.
When THR's interviewer asked the first question – "Have you ever thought about retiring?" – Lewis fired back immediately with a question of his own: "Why?". Throughout the rest of the seven minute interview, Lewis, who was reportedly annoyed at the inconvenience of the interview even before it started, never gave more than a two or three word answer, and did his best to avoid giving the website anything of substance. "None," Lewis replied when asked about similarities between him and performers like Bob Hope. "It's exactly the same," Lewis responded when asked how Las Vegas had changed since 1947, even though the city has changed an extremely large amount since then. At one point, when the interviewer attempted to laugh good-naturedly at one of Lewis's replies, Lewis shut him down immediately with mocking laughter of his own.
It was glorious. And THR knows it, because they've published the video for everyone to enjoy. And enjoy it you shall: