Posted in: Film Promo, Movies | Tagged: @NightOpening, carrie fisher, empire strikes back, Episode 1, eurotrip, Film Twitter, harrison ford, james alexander, jon lovitz, movie premieres unlimited, mystery men, Rob Schneider, shrek, star wars, star wars: the phantom menace, the phantom menace, the quest, tmnt, tmnt 2 secret of the ooze, val kilmer
Movie Twitter Account You Should Follow: Movie Premieres Unlimited
Film Twitter can be a pretty horrible place sometimes, but every once in awhile an account will spring up that brings people together and makes us feel nothing but joy when we see it in our feeds. This past week out of nowhere a new account called Movie Premieres Unlimited (@NightOpening) which just posts pictures from movie premieres going back to the 80's.
And it has quickly become a must-follow account on Twitter.
You might say to yourself "Why is this interesting?" or "Who cares? It is just pictures of people on red carpets", and to you I say "EXACTLY!". When I first stumbled across this account the other day it was because they shared pics from the Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace premiere and I thought it was hilarious to see which celebrities were invited/had their agent demand they get a ticket. But as I scrolled through the pics, I started noticing some things:
-If you had a movie debut from 1993-2005, you had to invite Rob Schneider, Jon Lovitz, and Val Kilmer or else it really didn't happen.
-Val Kilmer is in fact a style icon. Change my mind.
-Some people don't take some of these premieres seriously.
-They spend way too much on these things. Especially when their movie is probably bad.
Most importantly, these posts are a quick snapshot of what life was like when that film debuted. Say what you will about films like Mystery Men, Swordfish, Good Burger, or Eurotrip, but they happened and some of them moved the needle big time when released (I love Eurotrip. Everyone go watch Eurotrip). It has been super fun to go through the post and see who was famous, who was dating who, the style trends (oh the styles!) and everything that made those years great. In a world where the internet has become mostly a cesspool, things like this are reminders that you can still have fun on here.
Or even get misty over people no longer with us.
Follow the account here. You will be happy you did.