GDC Archives

Cracking Skulls Takes on New Meaning in Headsnatchers
IguanaBee and Iceberg Interactive's Headsnatchers is so well named, we're kind of in-awe of it. The first thing you do with a Headsnatchers match is choose your head, which is the only way you can identify yourself, as everyone has the same nondescript body.
Kaet Must Die
Strength in Numbers' indie horror puzzle game Kaet Must Die is just difficult and jump-scare infested enough to be a shoe-in for Twitch fame. Every single thing you do wrong in Kaet Must Die will end in, you guessed it, instant death.
Could Improbable's SpatialOS Change the Indie Games Market?
Indie games are all over the place these days, but one of the major design hurdles for indies is the ability to support large multiplayer environments. So in comes Improbable and their SpatialOS SDK. SpatialOS is a cloud based, multi-platform game hosting tool that eschews the traditional server structure.
Feeling the Call of the Endless Open Road in Night Driver Mobile
Atari's mobile version of Night Driver is much, much the opposite of Tempest 4000. Where Tempest stuck to the old formula, Night Driver shakes things up. Its still in closed testing, but the game build Atari were showing off at GDC is fully playable,and looks polished.
Tempest 4000 is So Retro it Might be a Bad Thing
Llamasoft and Atari's Tempest 4000 is a brand new Tempest, but it looks and feels like the Tempest you know and love. Its got the same barebones design, same gameplay style, and even the same feel.
This Year's GDC Awards Were Pointless Because of Breath of the Wild
Okay, we get it. Everyone loved The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Hell, we even considered it for Game of the Year 2017 ourselves. However, at this point in the award show season, giving a ton of awards to Breath of the Wild is pretty much just rubber stamping.
Activison Almost Made a Spyro the Dragon MMORPG
Word has been going around about a trilogy of remastered Spyro the Dragon games, because remasters are so hot right now. However, this is a casual reminder that Activision was considering a Spyro MMO a few years back.
Sega Reveals the Secret Origin of Sonic the Hedgehog at GDC
Sega had always intended for their hedgehog mascot to appeal to Americans, but until today, we didn't know just what inspired the company to create the blue, mammalian speed-enthusiast. It turns out, our favorite hedehog has a pretty interesting secret origin that traces back to WWII.