Compiled by Diamond Comic Distributors from the comics they have supplied to comic stores, conventions and subscription boxes in North America, across 2016…
These are just the unit sales, which also include the free copies overshipped by Marvel on a number of titles And at least one retailer exclusive cover for Justice League Vs Suicide Squad[...]
2016 Archives
The outpouring of sentiments on social media included both eulogies specific to those who passed away today, as well as a general feeling that 2016 has been a singularly terrible year when it comes to untimely celebrity deaths.
On the side everyone being ready to say goodbye to 2016, one that was really too ironically perfect: George[...]
This is one of those movies we probably need. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Collateral Beauty Official Trailer 1 (2016) – Will Smith Movie (
TL;DR: In Collateral Beauty, Will Smith as Howard Inlet is a father whose daughter has passed away and has retreated in on himself – shutting out his friends, his job, and[...]
As shown off at New York Comic Con, Justin Jordan has a new comic book looking for a home. The Family Trade in ashcan form, written with Nikki Ryan,
A number of Romani comic book fans, concerned regarding the general representation of Romani character in mainstream superhero comic books have organised
A sneak peek of AMC's upcoming episode of The Walking Dead, Right Hand Man as seen at New York Comic-Con. In
by Jason Borelli On Thursday, I interviewed Kristen Cumings, an artist who had done a portrait of Wonder Woman, and would spend her New York Comic Con
By Joe Glass One final surprise of NYCC I only personally discovered on the very last day. Whilst tabling at the LGBT HQ booth, a young man approached and
We ran a piece by Derek Trum on this during NYCC. How attendees of the Young Animal panel got a free Gerard Way original recording, Into The Cave, on
Paul Gullas writes, The following contains some minor spoilers for the series premiere of 24: Legacy. “SHOOT HIM AGAIN!” On Saturday afternoon, the NYCC
By Octavio Karbank Ever since I was a child, I’ve had a fascination with giant monsters and giant monster movies. With so many made, there’s sure to be
By Octavio Karbank If you’re like me, and are either a fan of comics or Power Rangers, then it probably comes as no surprise that I’m reading, and every
By Octavio Karbank Sleepy Hollow has been absent from our lives now for quite some time. Well, that might not be entirely true, but it’s certainly felt
By Jason Borelli Among the many, many books debuting at New York Comic Con this year was The Electric Sublime from IDW Publishing. Con-goers got a chance
by Jason Borelli On the surface, the manga Assassination Classroom seems offbeat, even for Japan. A class consisting of hard-luck cases are looked down
by Jason Borelli Titan Publishing has wasted little time in establishing their licensed Doctor Who comics. In addition to publishing books covering the
By Ale Bodden As it is my tradition every convention I go: I have to go to the Sailor Moon panel. Once again, this year the panel hosted by the wonderful
By Ale Bodden Of all the panels I was able to sit through this year I must say this was the panel I ended NYCC still thinking about. It was short and
For only its third try, #BlackComicsMonth has become an example for other panels to look to when looking to pitch a proposal for a diversity/inclusivity panel.
So here are some incredible video highlights from the panel as well as some pics…definitely check them out: can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: BlackComicsMonth At NYCC 2016 (
As did a few other folk.
apparently I'm not the first to break the embargo
— Lavender Ranger (@LavenderRanger) October 13, 2016
As Bleeding Cool scooped last week, we have Justice League/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from DC Comics and Boom (though I guess a Vs was too much to hope for), following their previously published Gotham Academy/Lumberjanes comic[...]
When Greg Capullo left Batman to work with Mark Millar on the new Image comic book (soon to be novel) Reborn, it was promised he would return to work with
by Ray Flook & Ale Bodden
One of the true "hidden gems" of the NYCC programming schedule, the NYCC Team Q&A not only serves as the unofficial end of NYCC 2016 but also as the unofficial start of NYCC 2017 planning ReedPOP head Lance Fensterman, along with team members James McNerney, Fallon Prinzivalli, Kristina Rogers and[...]
Last week, Entertainment Weekly ran a preview of a new comic, God Country, by Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw from Image Comics. It was meant to be announced
By Ale Bodden I always enjoy attending panels that focus on how to get somewhere with your trade and offer useful tips and resources to assist the
There are plenty of comic books and exclusive variants made available just to people who went to New York Comic Con.
Here are a few sales over the last few days on eBay…
Robyn Hood I Love NY #5 CGC 9.9 REMARKED NYCC exclusive FADE variant – GREG HORN $882.00
Rick and Morty #1 NYCC CGC SS 9.8 signed[...]
By Ale Bodden NYCC Day 3, I sat through a panel discussing geek fashion and comics, and fashion in comics. I tend to not be too happy after panels like
Comic Shops To Get Gerard Way's Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye Cassettes From NYCC – One Per Store
Bleeding Cool ran a report on the Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye cassettes being given out at the DC Comics Young Animal panel at New York Comic Con.
Today saw the release of Mark Millar and Greg Capullo's Reborn. Where people die and are reborn in new bodies in a fantasy land where they must band and
By Ale Bodden On Saturday, Day 3 at NYCC, I was able to sit through another Comixology panel. I love coming to their panels ever year—they always seem to
by Chuck Brouillette As fellow Bleeding Cool reporter, Joe Glass, and Bleeding Cool Operations Manager, Dan Celko, can attest, our mutual accommodations