christopher priest Archives

Today, DC Comics Defines Deathstroke As A "Pedophiliac Rapist"
So we found an interview with George Perez when he would state just that, albeit it in a different tone. But answering questions set by Brian Salvatore at Multiversity three years ago, Christopher Priest took a different tack He wrote the characters of Deathstroke and Terra in his DC Rebirth run on Deathstroke, including rewriting events[...]
Deadpool #7 Review:
Writer Christopher Priest, who can turn even a story about Vampirella into a layered saga about politics, seems uniquely suited to write an impactful, interesting, nuanced U.S.Agent story But does this tale of the one-time Captain America start off as strong as readers would expect? U.S.Agent #1 cover Credit: Marvel Priest's writing grabs the reader — there's no doubt about[...]
Christopher Priest Writes U.S.Agent for Marvel as a Morality Play
Writer Christopher Priest is no stranger to writing about politics, as evidenced by his landmark run on Black Panther, and now he's back at Marvel to write about a divisive figure during an incredibly divisive time No, it's not a biography of Marvel chairman Ike Perlmutter (Though, look for that soon, probably coming from Bluewater Productions, or whatever[...]
Christopher Priest's Vampirella in the Daily LITG, 16th July, 2020
And yesterday, for the first time, a writer's commentary topped the chart, courtesy of Christopher Priest talking about Vampirella The Daily Lying In The Gutters, remains a long-running run around the day before and the day ahead You can sign up to receive it as an e-mail here. Vampirella #10 preview page. Vampirella, Dark Ages, Supernatural, and[...]
Sacred Six #1 Review: Compelling But Not Quite New Reader Friendly
Sacred Six, previously styled as sacredsix, is a brand new spinoff of Christopher Priest's Vampirella run As someone who has never read a Vampirella comic before but enjoys Priest's writing, Sacred Six seemed like it would make sense as an entry point It boasts an enviable art team, with Gabriel Ibarra supplying the main artwork and Jae Lee, whose art on Stephen[...]
Christopher Priest's Writers Commentary on Vampirella #10
Christopher Priest has a writer's commentary on Vampirella Vol 5 #10, out from Dynamite Entertainment now. So I get asked a lot how an ordained former pastor can justify writing a book like VAMPIRELLA, with its violence, nudity, language, and occult themes Well, this is how– Father Gutiérrez is a no-nonsense Christian street fighter modeled after[...]
25 More Race-Related Graphic Novels That Should Top Amazon Chart
The wait is over! The revelation is revealed. 25 More Race-Related Graphic Novels That Should Top Amazon Chart. Quantum and Woody by Priest & Bright Volume 1: Klang by Christopher Priest and M.D Bright The complete collected adventures of the original world's worst superhero team ― now in trade paperback! Re-presenting the seminal series from legendary creators Christopher[...]
One Hundred Marvel Comics By Black Creators, For Free
Teen Riri may still be fairly new to the armored avenging gig, (see: 2016's INVINCIBLE IRON MAN), but she's genius-level resourceful. BLACK PANTHER: THE CLIENT: WRITTEN BY CHRISTOPHER PRIEST, WITH ART BY MARK TEXEIRA Priest's prolific sixty-two-issue run on BLACK PANTHER (1998) was chock full of social and political satire, an examination of the vast differences between the African and[...]
Collecting Christopher Priest's Run on Vampirella in May
At ComicsPRO, Dynamite announces the first of many planned collections compiling Christopher Priest's run on Vampirella, due out in April. Titled Seduction of the Innocent, and named after Dr Wertham's puritanical tome, this first trade paperback will collect issues #1-6 as well as the Free Comic Book Day 2019 #0 issue that kicked off the 50th-anniversary[...]
Deathstrike Canceled in December With Deathstrike #50
The ending frees up writer Christopher Priest, who's run on the title was expected to end with this issue anyway, for another title Maybe he can take over Batman, as Tom King's run on the title ends in December as well? Just a suggestion, not based on any inside info or anything like that But now[...]
Vampirella #1 Will Be Most Successful Vampirella Comic of Modern Era
Dynamite Comics is touting the success of their upcoming Vampirella relaunch, written by Christopher Priest with art by Ergun Gunduz The first issue doesn't hit stores until July, but in a press release at PreviewsWorld, Dynamite says that current orders are already putting the print run at 60,000 copies, making it the most successful Vampirella[...]
Matt Murdoch's Best Christopher Priest Impersonation - Daredevil #6 Preview
So we're reading this preview of Daredevil #6, in stores on Wednesday, and as far as we know, Daredevil has never spoken with Christopher Priest, mostly because Christopher Priest is a real person and Daredevil is a fictional character However, you might be surprised to learn that the two share certain viewpoints. In a recent interview[...]
Priest Writes Vampirella for 50th Anniversary on Free Comic Book Day
Which is why Bleeding Cool is running as many previews as we can, to help folk plan just what they would fancy on May the 4th, as retailers make their final choices… and Vampirella will be kicking off her 50th anniversary title with a  bunch of classic Vampirella tales as Christopher Priest takes on the[...]
Marvel Announces Spider-Girls by Jody Houser and Andres Genolet, Spider-Force by Christopher Priest and Paulo Siqueira
That's right — Mayday Parker is back, alongside Anya Corazon and Spiderling. And also, Spider-Force, by Christopher Priest and Paulo Siqueria, starring Kaine, Jessica Drew, Jessica Drew, Ashley Barton, and new characters Astro-Spider and Spider-Kid. And a new cover by Artgerm for Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider… Spider-Gwen's return as Ghost Spider was, of course, first reported by Bleeding Cool earlier this month[...]
Deathstroke #32 cover by Robson Rocha, Daniel Henriques, and Brad Anderson
Christopher Priest has a knack for writing dialogue for familiar characters like Batman and Slade that fits while being unlike anything I've heard from the characters in the past Plus, the vicious nature of the fight and the constant attempts to one-up another make it a completely enthralling duel. Deathstroke #32 art by Carlo Pagulayan, Roberto[...]
Deathstroke #31 cover by Robson Rocha, Daniel Henriques, and Brad Anderson
They employ labyrinthine plots to strike at one another while remaining firmly dedicated to not allowing the other to victory. As is often the case of Christopher Priest's Deathstroke, the writing is methodical and detail-focused It lends itself to a detective tale, even if we do know who is behind these "crimes." Deathstroke gets an opportunity to[...]
Justice League #43 cover by David Yardin
the Justice League' and 'Justice Lost', I'm not sure how I expected Christopher Priest's run on Justice League to end What could be the most satisfying ending to an arc like this, especially when we know that the League isn't going to die or disband? Is there a satisfying ending to be had? While I refuse[...]
Justice League #42 cover by David Yardin
With a focus on the brutality the League is witnessing and their inability to effect lasting change in the area, Christopher Priest has crafted a story I can scarcely believe I'm reading at times. The body count is unnervingly high in this issue, with each little mistake made by the Justice League being punctuated with another[...]
Deathstroke #30 cover by Lee Weeks and Brad Anderson
This leads Batman on a collision course with Deathstroke, and that can only end in blood. Deathstroke #30 cover by Lee Weeks and Brad Anderson The comic opens with a brief conversation between Alfred Pennyworth and Wintergreen, which is great on its own. I should have been looking forward to the kind of Batman Christopher Priest was going[...]
Comics for Your Pull Box, Week of 04/04/18
the Batman himself, brought to life by the creative team of Christopher Priest and Carlo Pagulayan This duel will be over the fatherhood of… Damian Wayne? You heard that right: the inciting incident here is a package delivered to Bruce Wayne that contains "proof" that Slade is the true father of the current Robin[...]
Justice League #41 cover by David Yardin
Christopher Priest writing Black Panther into Justice League as a genocidal warlord aside—we'll definitely get back to that—this comic is another vicious takedown of the superhero genre courtesy of Priest. Priest has introduced a depressingly real and common scenario into his JL comic and has forced the team to confront it[...]
Comic Book Wins and Losses, Week of March 7th, 2018: Oblivion Song and Venom Revisited
The "graphic" part of graphic novel is one of its distinguishing factors, and taking that away without replacement is a fatal blow to even the best-written book. Justice League #40 cover by David Yardin Win: Christopher Priest's Justice League Continues to be Audacious and Daring Christopher Priest's Justice League has been an astonishing chapter in the saga of DC's headlining[...]