BOOM! is shipping eight books under their various explosion-themed imprints, including new series Black Badge #1, Garfield Homecoming #3, Lumberjanes: A Midsummer Night's Scheme, Mech Cadet Yu #11 (the penultimate issue!), Robocop: Citizen's Arrest #5, Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Artist Tribute, The Lumberjanes Coloring Book (why not just print them out and color them for[...]
garfield Archives
The comic is such a bog-standard sci-fi military book, and there are only the vaguest semblance of characters within it.
Garfield: Homecoming #1 cover by Andy Hirsch and Sara Talmadge
3 Garfield: Homecoming #1
I know it's a kid's comic, but it was so boring and lacking in jokes that even a young child would be unimpressed by[...]
[rwp-review-recap id="0"]
Jon is using a new discipline guide to turn Garfield into an "unspoiled cat." Garfield is forced into a healthy diet and exercise while being restricted from naps and television This leads to the orange cat leaving home and joining the circus Things seem good here, but the circus' star performer, a dog named[...]
Ellis is joined by artist Phil Hester.
Garfield: Homecoming #1 cover by Andy Hirsch
Garfield: Homecoming #1
A new Garfield miniseries begins with the lasagna-eating feline leaving Jon to find a new home where he will be treated better This one comes from creators Scott Nickel and Sara Talmadge.
Giant Days #39 cover by Max Sarin
Giant Days #39
John Allison and Max Sarin's delightful comic about British college students[...]
This one is definitely worth your time.
Three Stooges Slaptastic Special cover by Brendon and Brian Fraim
Three Stooges Slaptastic Special #1
American Mythology brings you this celebration of Three Stooges from S.A Check, Brendon and Brian Fraim. If it's a faithful or smartly fresh recreation of the exploits of the beloved Stooges, then it should be an entertaining read.
Garfield 2018 Vacation Time Blues cover by[...]
New miniseries, By Night from writer John Allison and artist Christine Larsen, begins, you can hate Mondays once more with Garfield Homecoming, and see how things turn out with Regular Show: 25 Years Later All of this plus Adventure Time, Power Rangers, Planet of the Apes, WWE, and plenty of others are revealed in the Boom! Studios June 2018 solicits[...]
Garfield, everybody's favorite cartoon cat — okay, in your top ten, at least — is getting a new 4-issue mini-series called Garfield: Homecoming from BOOM! Studios this June Scott Nickel is writing the comic, which will feature a different artist on each issue The first of those is Sara Talmadge, who offers a take on[...]
Formerly Hi-Fi Fight Club.
Publisher: BOOM! Box, an imprint of BOOM! Studios
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: John Allison
Artists: Max Sarin, Liz Fleming
Cover Artist: Max Sarin
With the prospect of living apart for the first time since they all met as first years just over the horizon, Daisy, Esther, and Susan spend their last summer together before beginning[...]
We have previews for all and exclusive extended previews for James Bond: Kill Chain #4, Swordquest #4, Clash of Kings #5, Grumpy Cat/Garfield #3, Vampirella #7 and Mighty Mouse #5.
Swordquest #4
writers: Chad Bowers, Chris Sims artist: Ghostwriter X covers: Goñi Montes (A) George Pérez (B) Ken Haesar (C)
Armed with the knowledge of the history of[...]
This batch is their graphic novels and trades which includes Grumpy Cat/Garfield, Bob's Burgers, Pathfinder, Kiss, Justice Inc, The Shadow, and Warlords of Mars, plus the hardcover collection of photos by Johnny Wu in 10 Frames Per Second, An Articulated Adventure featuring his work with action figures.
Cover: Johnny[...]
We have exclusive extended previews for Fruit Ninja #1, Green Hornets Meets The Spirit #3, Grumpy Cat/Garfield #2 and Swordquest #3 But also shipping this week are Animal Jams #3, Greatest Adventure #5, Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys #6, Pathfinder Vol 1 Dark Waters trade, Pathfinder: Worldscape hardcover, Garth Ennis' Red Team: Double Tap,[...]
It is enjoyable reading something that admits that multi-pet households do exist, and not every dog and cat out there are out to get each other!
If you want something cute and amusing that hearkens back to the family-friendly enjoyability of Garfield and its ilk, Ask a Cat is something I'd definitely recommend It made me[...]
Dynamite has sent us four exclusive extended previews for Grumpy Cat/Garfield #1, Turok #1, Swordquest #2 and Green Hornet '66 Meets The Spirit #2 All of these books hit comic shelves on Wednesday The highlight is the meeting of two iconic felines as Mark Evanier and Steve Uy show us what would happen when the[...]
We have an exclusive look inside the new Grumpy Cat / Garfield series from Dynamite Entertainment and BOOM! Studios The three-part mini-series is being written by Mark Evanier (Garfield and Friends) and drawn by artist Steve Uy (Avengers: the Initiative) and will hit stores August 2nd The series will include a story inspired and approved[...]
Grumpy Cat/Garfield will be a three-part mini-series from writer Mark Evanier (Garfield and Friends) and artist Steve Uy (Avengers: The Initiative) kicking off August 2nd And there will be a story inspired and approved by icon Jim Davis, himself.
It's the inevitable meeting of these two loveable sourpusses! Garfield, the reigning cynical cat of newspapers and TV[...]
Last week, BOOM! Studios announced the super-mega-crossover event to end all super-mega-crossover events: Grumpy Cat/Garfield! That's right, two of comics' most iconic feline characters will finally share a series this Summer, and comics will never be the same again!
The original press release said that Garfield creator Jim Davis would write the story:
An exclusive partnership between Dynamite[...]
Dynamite Entertainment and BOOM! Studios' kaboom! imprint are bringing together two of the most famous cats in the world" Grumpy Cat and Garfield The new limited series will include a story by Garfield creator Jim Davis.
Nick Barrucci, CEO and Publisher of Dynamite says:
Working with the fine folks at Grumpy Cat has been absolutely wonderful. We've[...]
From KaBOOM!, written by Mark Evanier and Scott Nickel, with art by Andy Hirsch and David DeGrand, Garfield's Cheesy Holiday Special #1. The issue includes two holiday themed stories First, Garfield and Odie help out a young girl at the mall looking for her lost dog in "Holly's Holiday Hope," then it's time for the not-so-classic[...]
We saw this morning how retailers had rushed to up their orders on, amongst other things, the Peanuts Snoopy Christmas Special.
Well now they get to do the same for Garfield… here's a look at it FOC on Monday, folks!
Garfield's Cheesy Holiday Special
Publisher: KaBOOM!, an imprint of BOOM! Studios
Writers: Mark Evanier, Scott Nickel
Artists: Andy Hirsch, David[...]
Garfield does more than dwell over Mondays and eat a ton of lasagna Don't believe me? Well, this week brings the release of Garfield Vol 7 TP from KaBOOM! Written by, Mark Evanier and Scott Nickel, with art by Andy Hirsch and David DeGrand, Garfield Vol 7 TP collects a number of fun adventures.
You can[...]
Who doesn't love a good Garfield comic? I know I do. KaBOOM! an imprint of BOOM! Studios is releasing something special this holiday season Written by Mark Evanier and Scott Nickel, with art by Andy Hirsch and David DeGrand, Garfield's Cheesy Holiday Special #1 is sure to please the Garfield lover in your life[...]
Back in 1984, Garfield creator Jim Davis did a series of illustrated short stories called Garfield: His 9 Lives that took his character through various eras of history In 1988 it was done as an animated special Now 30 years after they were first done, KaBOOM! the all-ages imprint of BOOM! Studios is going to relive those[...]
And decides to mix up heterosexuality with nihilism for shits and giggles.
Though is it me or are there more woods in Garfield #2 than in… Woods?
Robocop #6 has a crime that is seriously worth punishing Missing cartoons? Five years in the cubes, creep Oh wait, wrong fascist lawmaker.
Though Extinction Parade also has its own line in[...]
Retailers had to be warned not to stock Afterlife With Archie next to other Archie Comics, but the likes of The Walking Dead instead.
Might such a warning be necessary for The Nine Lives Of Garfield? A new series from Garfield comics licencee Boom Studios will feature the character totally transformed in nine different ways by[...]
Come on, folks, a smile is just a frown turned upside down!
Suicide Risk #19 at least has a more relatable world weariness about it.
Fairy Quest: Outcasts #1 doesn't ask the question I would – if rain does, why don't I? Fairytale physics at work here…
Heart-breaking kitties at the door are one thing in Garfield #31,[...]
Would a kindly word really have gone amiss?
No, it seems even Garfield is getting it in the neck, from others trying to call him out Why make things so much worse, mice? Stop giving the ginger cat grief…
Even Dexter's Lab #4 is full of the worst of the worst.
And that's no better, Big Trouble In[...]
Could this be the sign we will finally get that series' conclusion? And look, it gets its own acronym!
How Garfield is harming the job creators of America, those upon which the health of the economy is entirely based Basically, the fat feline is destroying capitalism Who could take him down?
Our hero!
In Iron Man, I believe[...]
Also, what's with the BBC headlining the Pope as Your Holiness, as if it's talking directly to him?
Garfield #25 shows us exactly how Stephanie Brown came back into the Batman comics. Talking of which, is she in this week's Batman Eternal?
No Stand down But you do have a Harper Row… and while we're her, let's take[...]
In-Ghostbusters-universe, ever kid will want an Egon and a Slimer of their own…
From Mega-City Two #4, just how long do you think that the Judge Dredd that you or I know would allow these abominations to live?
Though Garfield Pet Force 2014 might make for a bit more of an even fight.
My Little Pony: Friendship Is[...]
It is the second thing I most remember about Prague, the first being this bridge, which would have given you a view of said defenestration.
Garfield He does like lasagna Here's the backstory into how he gets it…
Suicide Risk #12 look at what happened to people's brains when they try to watch modern day Ridley Scott[...]