greg pak Archives

Mech Cadet Yu #10 cover by Takeshi Miyazawa and Raul Angulo
Greg Pak and Takeshi Miyazawa have made a charming and enjoyable comic book here The stakes are high, the characters are likable and compelling, and the art is great This one earns another recommendation Check it out. [rwp-review-ratings id="0"] [rwp-review-form id="0"] [rwp-review-recap id="0"] Buddy rockets back to Earth, leaving Yu behind with the other Mech Cadets and the[...]
Improbable Previews: Bill Watterson Returns to Comics in Weapon X #19?!
We can't guarantee 100% accuracy, of course. In this issue of Improbable Previews, we've acquired an unlettered page from the upcoming Weapon X #19 by Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente, and Yildiray Cinar Will this issue contain the greatest comic book crossover of all time? All signs point to: yes! Check out the preview below, and look[...]
Weapon X #17 cover by Rahzzah
Greg Pak and Fred van Lente deliver on the narrative while Cinar and D'Armata do excellent work on the visuals This one gets a recommendation Give it a read. [rwp-review-ratings id="0"] [rwp-review-form id="0"] [rwp-review-recap id="0"] Team Weapon X is now under the control of Sabretooth Old Man Logan is out of commission, and Victor Creed just might be[...]
Mech Cadet Yu #8 cover by Takeshi Miyazawa and Raul Angulo
Triona Farrell's color work keeps everything vibrant and lively, keeping a little levity in this story about suicide missions. Mech Cadet Yu #8 is another triumphant issue from Greg Pak, Takeshi Miyazawa, and Triona Farrell It's fun, fast-moving, and looks damn good This issue has its hangups, but they are far overshadowed by what the book[...]
Comics for Your Pull Box, Week of 04/04/18
This sounds like it will be an exciting issue, and Greg Pak and Takeshi Miyazawa have yet to let me down with this series. Doctor Star and the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows #2 cover by Max Fiamura Doctor Star and the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows #2 Jeff Lemire and Max Fiamura continue to expand on their Black Hammer universe with this Justice Society and Starman send-off focusing[...]
Weapon H #1 cover by Leinil Yu and Romulo Fajardo Jr.
It sounded like something Greg Pak may have suggested as a joke in the presence of a marketing rep, and a few months later "Weapon of Mutant Destruction" happened. I didn't read that story, full disclosure I don't follow Incredible Hulk or Weapon X that closely, and it was from before my tenure as Bleeding Cool's[...]
Check in on Regular Show 25 Years Later: BOOM! Studios June 2018 Solicits
(STL081986) SC, 32pgs, FC       SRP: $3.99 APR181111 MECH CADET YU #9 (W) Greg Pak (A/CA) Takeshi Miyazawa Skip and the cadets take the fight to the Sharg, in outer space! (STL081994) 32pgs, FC   SRP: $3.99 APR181112 LUCY DREAMING #4 (W) Max Bemis (A/CA) Michael Dialynas Lucy and Welsey work together to tear a hole in the dream world into actual reality, despite the very real[...]
comics for your pull box 3/21/18
This epic reunion will hopefully be quite a read. Matthew Rosenberg and Travel Foreman are behind this miniseries uniting one of the best new bromances of comics. Thanos #17 cover by Geoff Shaw Thanos #17 Thanos, King Thanos, and the Cosmic Rider face a Mjolnir-wielding Silver Surfer and the Annihilation Wave at the end of time. Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw have been killing it on[...]
Mech Cadet Yu #7 cover by Takeshi Miyazawa and Raul Angulo
Triona Farrell's color art is also great, giving this world a much-appreciated wild color variance. Mech Cadet Yu #7 is another good issue in this Greg Pak series The storytelling is solid, the art is great, and the resulting comic is compulsively readable This one earns another recommendation Pick it up. [rwp-review-ratings id="0"] [rwp-review-form id="0"] [rwp-review-recap id="0"] After the[...]
Mech Cadet Yu #6 cover by Takeshi Miyazawa and Raul Angulo
While this issue brings tactile and close-quarters action that results in multiple characters being wounded, there is still an uplifting tone brought about by Greg Pak's plotting as well as the art and color art from Takeshi Miyazawa and Triona Farrell respectively. This book also concludes this story by the ending too, which is a welcome[...]
X-Men: Bland Design – It's Wolverines vs. Nukes and Everyone is High in Weapon X #14
We make no promises about the use of your time, however. On stands this week are Weapon X #14, X-Men Blue #21, Despicable Deadpool #294, Cable #154, and Old Man Logan #35. Weapon X #14 Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Yildiray Cinar Colorist: Frank D'Armata Letterer: Joe Caramagna Cover: David Nakayama Long story short: Old Man Logan and the rest of his team of[...]
Color Your Own Damn Dirty Apes: BOOM! Studios April 2018 Solicits
A man on the verge of cracking… After misadventures in Central and South America and having earned enough money to retire comfortably, the Killer retires to Mexico, but his colleagues are still in need of his irreplaceable skills… and before long he's drawn back into the great geopolitical game between Cuba, Venezuela, and the United States.   RUGRATS:[...]
greg pak
© Luigi Novi / Wikimedia Commons Fear not, true believers! Greg Pak is here to save comics! The superstar writer took to Twitter today after coming to a shocking revelation: the way the comic book preorder system works is stupid (our words, not his — but it's the basic gist) Pak started with a plea to[...]
weapon x
You can see read every X-Men: Bland Design column going back to the very beginning (which was last week) at this link. Let's take a look at Weapon X #13… Weapon X #13 Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Yildiray Cinar Colorist: Frank D'Armata Letterer: Joe Caramagna Damage: $3.99 We're joining the Nuke-Clear War storyline with Part 2 A team of Wolverines and quasi-Wolverines consisting[...]
BMO's Bonanza, Dodge City, 25th Anniversary of Power Rangers, and More- BOOM! Studios March 2018 Solicits
The shepherd is enticed, but like many things in the realm of fairies, not everything is what it seems.   MECH CADET YU #7 Publisher: BOOM! Studios Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Takeshi Miyazawa Main Cover: Takeshi Miyazawa Subscription Cover: Marcus To Stanford and his fellow students are enlisted into Earth's last-ditch effort to drive off the Sharg invasion. MECH CADET YU VOL[...]
John Wick #1 comics
And while the films, including the inevitable third chapter, tell the story going forward, they leave the history untapped — something that Dynamite Entertainment has signed on to tell. The first issue of the series came out on Wednesday and was written by Greg Pak and drawn by Giovanni Valletta It's set in a time before[...]
World War Hulk 2
Marvel has announced a sequel to World War Hulk to begin in March in The Incredible Hulk #174 from Greg Pak and Carlo Barberi Since they promised to lay off the super-mega-crossover events for a while, it looks like this won't be getting its own standalone series, but that doesn't mean it can't be packed with[...]