Last weekend at ComicsPRO, the comic book retailer summit held in Glendale, California, DC Comics Editor-In-Chief Marie Javins and Marvel Comics Editor-In-Chief CB Cebulski took to the stage to follow the Keynote speech by DC General Manager SVP Anne Leung DePies, to announce a new crossover between the two comic book publishers, to be released later this year. Two one-shots will be[...]
marie javins Archives
DC Comics Editor-In-Chief Marie Javins and Marvel Comics Editor-In-Chief CB Cebulski took to the stage this weekend at ComicsPRO, the comic book retailer summit held in Glendale, California They followed the Keynote speech by DC General Manager SVP Anne Leung DePies, to announce a new crossover between the two comic book publishers, to be released[...]
Cebulski and DC Comics Editor-In-Chief Marie Javins as official guests of the show, and will be both doing portfolio reviews.
I wouldn't read anything too much into this, don't expect any crossovers to suddenly be announced, but I understand the two are on good terms Marie used to work in editorial at Marvel Comics, and both have[...]
Last year, after the news about George Pérez' cancer and his decision not to undergo treatment, there were calls from across the industry for DC Comics
We also looked at how Marie Javins' promotion to DC Comics EIC was intentionally set up at relatively-friendly media organisations by the big cheeses at Warner Bros as a way to dull the impact of the redundancies leaking today To quote David Brent "Well, there's good news and bad news The bad news is… some[...]
But privately I have heard nothing but praise for the decision by DC Comics to make Marie Javins their new Editor-In-Chief, promoted from co-EIC with Michele Wells, after Bob Harras was made redundant and left before his notice period was up.
Named one of the 29 Women Who Took Over The World In 2018 as part[...]
DC Comics has promoted Marie Javins to the full Editor-In-Chief position at the publisher Previously she had shared co-Editor-In-Chief duties with Michele Wells after a scythe had been applied to DC's upper echelons of editorial staff, replacing Bob Harras in the role The Editors-In-Chief position for Wells and Javins was a temporary one, and now[...]
With everyone describing this as the DC Bloodbath – or New DC Implosion – and on a Monday as well.
Jim Lee, Bob Harras, Marie Javins In New DC Comics Implosion Rumors
This New DC Implosion seems to have all-but-confirmed the departure of Mark Doyle, Executive Editor at DC Black Label Other named, repeatedly now, include DC[...]
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From Barack Obama to Marie Javins, the Daily LITG, 29th April 2020 Art from DC.
Barack Obama, Marie Javins and the 10 Most-Read Stories yesterday
Bleeding Cool continues to report from the comics industry shutdown, With more from Barack Obama, Marie Javins, comic book stores closing and[...]
Marie Javins.
Formerly an editor at Marvel Comics, she has a reputation as a very reliable pair of hands at DC Under Dan Didio, she was tasked with the likes of the Convergence two-month event across the line for when DC Comics moved offices, the Hanna Barbera line, and other special projects nicknamed the "island of[...]
Being EIC at Oni Press, running DC Vertigo and writing his own comic books over the years have stood him in good stead even when it's now all about dealing with Brian Bendis – and all that 5G will bring.
Marie Javins (Down) Dubbed by people I've spoken to as the 'editor of choice' at DC,[...]
Two months where regular comic book stories are halted, to tell a cross-continuity story affecting all books.
At the time, it was in aid of DC Comics moving from New York to Burbank, and editor Marie Javins was brought into the company to take on putting out all eighty-nine-or-so books that made up the event, often[...]
Refinery29 is a fashion focused city guide aimed at young women that included music, style, health, food, entertainment, careers, technology, news, politics, and more.
Marie Javins, Photo by Steve Cook
Yesterday they ran their Matriarchy Power List: 29 Women Who Took Over The World In 2018 and included DC Comics Group Editor and comic book legend Marie Javins[...]
The panel was moderated by Marie Javins, comic editor and colorist, and included Dan DiDio, James Tynion IV, Ryan Benjamin, Robert Venditti, and Steve Orlando.
Orlando is writing The Unexpected, which features new interpretations of existing characters Neon the Unknown and Firebrand He remarked that "Jody Houser likes to say that I was bitten by a radioactive[...]
And while we don't have all the names yet, one name we do have is that Marie Javins will be the new Group Editor of the Justice League titles.
Javins recently got the biggest DC Comics bookstore success to her name, editing the DC Super Hero Girls titles, as well as the most critically acclaimed comic from[...]
Marie Javins soon took over as editor DC Comics prepared for the shift from coast to coast.
And something we have noticed in the Ch-Ch-Changes column is just how prepared the publisher was Unlike many other titles, every single one of the Convergence crossover titles have kept their creative teams from solicitation to publication[...]
As ever, Bleeding Cool has folks on the ground to cover the conversations being had.
They talked about how Convergence celebrates DC's eighty year history, and how the entire event was entirely edited by Marie Javins You may remember we mentioned that a while back.
They talked about how Convergence takes place in 52 domed cities[...]
Expect more of this sort of thing.
Edited by Dan DiDio and Marie Javins, we have reported a number of creators as being Tim Truman, Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Grey, Scott Lobdell, Fabian Nicieza, David Gallaher, Adam Beechen, Larry Hama, Marv Wolfman, Dan Abnett, Len Wein and Jeff Parker.
But I am told to also expect a number of creators new to DC, with a background in webcomics[...]
We look forward to Dan DiDio and Marie Javins telling us more at San Diego.
Bleeding Cool has been running reports of next spring's DC Comics event which will see twenty two-part stories published over two months with a weekly series running through it, forty-eight issues in all.
Last week we heard the news that we[...]
These include Bryan Talbot (Alice and Sunderland), DC Comics Group editor Joey Cavalieri (The New 52: Future's End), colourist Marie Javins and writer Ian Edgington (Warhammer) If you want to get the chance to have your portfolio critiqued or learn how to ink from James Hodgkins then this is where you need to be on[...]
Bleeding Cool has been publishing a number of articles about whatever it is that DC Comics are putting together in advance to cover the time they are