Mike Schur Archives

‘The Office’ Writer Schur: Japanese Parody on SNL ‘Didn’t Feel Right’
Mike Schur is one of the biggest success stories following his run on Saturday Night Live as a writer, given the ongoing success for NBC with his contributions to writing and creating series with his time on The Office, Parks and Recreation, The Good Place, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Emmy winner for SNL and The[...]
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"When Mike Schur and I first pitched the pilot episode to Andy, he said, 'I'm in, but I think the only way to tell this story is over exactly 153 episodes,' which was crazy because that was exactly the number Mike and I had envisioned." He continued, "I feel incredibly lucky to have worked with this[...]
Thanksgiving with the 99: The Best Brooklyn 99 Turkey Day Episodes
"When Mike Schur and I first pitched the pilot episode to Andy, he said, 'I'm in, but I think the only way to tell this story is over exactly 153 episodes,' which was crazy because that was exactly the number Mike and I had envisioned I feel incredibly lucky to have worked with this amazing[...]
We Need More Series Finales Like "Arrow" and "The Good Place" [OPINION]
Mike Schur always pitched The Good Place with a four to five season arc Or, will shows have the bravery to be like Watchmen and simply make a single great season and leave it there? Therefore, the final key to success comes from Seinfeld, ironically, a show that probably stuck around a season or two longer[...]
the good place
In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, series creator Mike Schur revealed a little bit of what we have to look forward to this fall before it all dies (metaphorically speaking, of course… we hope). NBCUniversal The biggest challenge this season is servicing all the new characters in addition to our core 6 – guest stars in[...]