podcast Archives

The Castle Horror Podcast: Shudder Talks All Kinds Of Horror
By Jason Henderson, Drew Edwards, Tony Salvaggio, and Julia Guzman [audio: http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-99734/TS-1029163.mp3] Bleeding Cool welcomes back The Castle of Horror Podcast tonight, a weekly internet radio show where professional writers in the comics, games and book industries take a look at horror movies, choosing one movie a week to discuss in depth. They say: This week we have an[...]
We Be Geeks Episode 145: The Testosterone Awakens
Email us at webegeeks (at) webegeeks dot net with any news, questions or comments. Follow us: Twitter: @webegeeks, @JulzHendricks, @nesofgeek, @geek_happenings Facebook: We Be Geeks Superheroes by day, Podcasters by night! The We Be Geeks Podcast is hosted by Mike Ehmcke (@webegeeks) Along with Julz Hendricks (@JulzHendricks), Derrick Nadeau (@nesofgeek) and Brett Dasilva (@geek_happenings) as Co-Hosts, this podcast is on fire! You can find us on[...]
Mighty Marvel Geeks Issue 93: Freakin' Genius Over Here
Email us at mmg (at) webegeeks dot net with any news, questions or comments. Follow us: Twitter: @MarvelGeeks @Uncleservo @bluesman1103  Facebook: Mighty Marvel Geeks   Suport us on Patreon at: www.patreon.com/mightymarvelgeeks Marvel Geeks Assemble! Mighty Marvel Geeks Podcast is hosted by Mike Ehmcke (@MarvelGeeks) Along with Eric Allen (@UncleServo)and Kylan Toles (@bluesman1103) as Co-Hosts[...]
The First Comics Podcast Mega-Crossover Begins Tomorrow With The Fan Bros Show
Nine shows (including Rachel & Miles X-Plain the X-Men, War Rocket Ajax, the Fan Bros Show and more) are coming together for a series of round-table discussions over the course of one month, beginning on 29 October. The event, titled "Secret Convergence on Infinite Podcasts", will feature each show in the line-up hosting one episode, with[...]
We Be Geeks Episode 142: Clinging With Vincent Martella
Email us at webegeeks (at) webegeeks dot net with any news, questions or comments. Follow us: Twitter: @webegeeks, @JulzHendricks, @nesofgeek, @geek_happenings Facebook: We Be Geeks Superheroes by day, Podcasters by night! The We Be Geeks Podcast is hosted by Mike Ehmcke (@webegeeks) Along with Julz Hendricks (@JulzHendricks), Derrick Nadeau (@nesofgeek) and Brett Dasilva (@geek_happenings) as Co-Hosts, this podcast is on fire! You can find us on[...]
Category: Video Games – Episode 49: Get Outta My Games
If you are joining us for the first time, this is the podcast where me, Laura Kate Dale and Andre Miller sit down to talk about the video game news of the week. This week, we talk about a whole bunch We talk about the the delights of Mario Maker, the somewhat terrible Deus Ex: Mankind Divided[...]
Category: Video Games – Episode 47: Randy Pilchard
If you are joining us for the first time, this is the podcast where me, Laura Kate Dale and Andre Miller sit down to talk about the video game news of the week. This week we sit down to talk about Hideo Kojima's mysterious name removal Easter Egg in Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes and whether it was foreshadowing or[...]
Category: Video Games – Episode 46: Farewell Iwata
If you are joining us for the first time, this is the podcast where me, Laura Kate Dale and Andre Miller sit down to talk about the video game news of the week. This week, the passing of Nintendo President Satoru Iwata dominates at least the beginning of our conversation as we reflect on what the man[...]
PCH@The Movies With Bill Plympton
[audio:http://popculturehound.net/podpress_trac/web/4458/0/PCHAtTheMoviesEpisode6.mp3] Chris Thompson talks to Bill Plympton, creator of Cheatin' … Following on from my last film-based podcast with noted director/comicker Marjane Satrapi about The Voices (which you can still listen to here), this time I'm back with animation legend Bill Plympton to explore his stunning new feature Cheatin' which is currently doing the rounds. Bill & I[...]
Category: Video Games – Episode 28: Destiny Is Farmville
If you are joining us for the first time, this is the podcast where me, Laura Kate Dale and Andre Miller sit down, usually with a guest to talk about the video game news of the week. I say usually, because by the very nature of the show, we aren't going to get a guest every[...]
Pop Culture Hounding Jeff Smith
[audio:http://popculturehound.net/podpress_trac/web/3838/0/PCHPodcastEpisode107.mp3] By Chris Thompson Following on from last week's very special episode with Scott McCloud & Dave Gibbons (which you can still listen to here), this week I present my panel with Jeff Smith (Bone, RASL, Tuki: Save The Humans) from the recent Lakes International Comic Art Festival. Jeff & I discuss how he started out, the kind of comics that[...]
Pop Culture Hounding Scott McCloud And Dave Gibbons
You can also support the Pop Culture Hound podcast by clicking here to make a donation Your contributions are greatly appreciated and will help us maintain the site, get new equipment, and encourage us to keep going on those cold lonely nights. [audio:http://popculturehound.net/podpress_trac/web/3819/0/PCHPodcastEpisode106.mp3] Chris Thompson writes, After last week's discussion featuring the Wicked + Divine team of Kieron Gillen &[...]
When Scroobius Pip Went Round To Alan Moore's House For An Hour And A Half
Scroobius Pip, poet/spoken word artist/rapper/musician has a rather brilliant podcast up, he recorded with Alan Moore at Alan's house. Totally unedited, an hour and a half of conversation between the two points of view. You can find it here in many forms, or just stream below… "Welcome, welcome, welcome…" [audio:http://podcasts.scroobiuspip.co.uk/DP_03.mp3] [...]
Thrilling Adventure Hour Is On The Move
Daniel Löf writes for Bleeding Cool: Listen up Thrilling adventure fans! There is a lot going with the nations favorite new podcast in the style of old time radio! Ben Acker & Ben Blacker had a lot of interesting things announce Thrilling adventure has been going on for 10  years back 2005, starting at the M-Bar,[...]
Hand In Hand
And some cosplayers at ECCC are not dressing up as characters from comic books and TV but from podcasts … Theresa Tyree spoke with the creators of the Thrilling Adventure Hour and Welcome to Night Vale at ECCC to find out about this unique event (with a little assist from Ian Melton). Perhaps you've been hearing[...]
The Castle of Horror Podcast's Haunted House Retrospective Presents: Dario Argento's Dracula 3D
By Jason Henderson, Drew Edwards, Tony Salvaggio, and Julia Guzman [audio:http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-99734/TS-834854.mp3] Bleeding Cool welcomes The Castle of Horror Podcast tonight for its third appearance, a weekly internet radio show where professional writers in the comics, games and book industries take a look at horror movies, choosing one movie a week to discuss in depth. They say: We look at[...]
Total Hero Team Forever
Total Hero Team podcast – MJ Hibbett (and Steve) First episode online now, with new episodes every Friday  MJ Hibbett (the man who brought you 'Alan Moore, Standing In The Corner Of The Store' writes, When a Fringe show comes to an end you always want to try and keep a record of it, so we're trying a[...]
Orbiting Julie Morah And Nicola Streeten
[audio:http://www.orbitalcomics.com/podpress_trac/web/10174/0/orbital-podcastjuliemaroh.mp3] Bleeding Cool's Chris Thompson chaired a conversation at Orbital Comics, London, between Julie Morah (of Blue Is The Warmest Color) and cartoonist Nicola Streeten. Why not listen in? [audio:http://www.orbitalcomics.com/podpress_trac/web/10174/0/orbital-podcastjuliemaroh.mp3] Bleeding Cool's Chris Thompson chaired a conversation at Orbital Comics, London, between Julie Morah (of Blue Is The Warmest Color) and cartoonist Nicola Streeten. Why not listen in? [...]
Podcast: Orbiting Itty Bitty Hellboy
[audio:http://www.orbitalcomics.com/podpress_trac/web/9413/0/orbital-podcast125.mp3] Welcome to Episode 125 of The Orbiting Pod! This week, we look at all that could have been with Batman Incorporated Special #1, get smaller with Itty Bitty Hellboy #1, discover right where it belongs with Thor: God of Thunder #12, plot various methods of escape with American Vampire Anthology, get closer with Sex #5, discover we're[...]
Podcasts: Pop Culture Hounding Andy Belanger
[audio:http://popculturehound.net/podpress_trac/web/2407/0/PCHPodcastEpisode51.mp3] by Chris Thompson After last week's monumental 50th episode (which you can listen to right here), I finish up my San Diego Comic-Con coverage with a special interview conducted over breakfast with Andy Belanger (Kill Shakespeare, Bottle Of Awesome, Black Church) As with previous SDCC interviews, this is raw and unedited with a lot of ambient[...]
PODCAST: Orbiting Last Week's Comics
[audio:http://www.orbitalcomics.com/podpress_trac/web/8938/0/orbital-podcast117.mp3] Robin Harman writes; Welcome to Episode 117 of The Orbiting Pod! This week, we rise up with Lazarus #1, don't feel ruff over Hawkeye #11, get declassified with Hoax Hunters: Case Files #1, check in on the lost boys with Young Avengers #6, unite the world's finest for Batman/Superman #1, and much more! Follow us on Twitter: The Podcast – @theorbitingpod Chris –[...]
PODCAST: Pop Culture Hounding Brian Wood
[audio:http://popculturehound.net/podpress_trac/web/2128/0/PCHPodcastEpisode46.mp3] Chris Thompson writes for Bleeding Cool; This week Taylor & I go in-depth with three new, and very distinct, books First up we tackle Adam Egypt Mortimer & Darick Robertson's Ballistic #1 from Black Mask Studios; then delve into Tommie Kelly's latest webcomic saga Them; and finally turn our attention to Brian Wood, Garry Brown[...]
Pop Culture Hounding Dave Gibbons And Herb Trimpe In Malta
Chris Thompson writes; [audio:http://popculturehound.net/podcast/PCHPodcastEpisode20.mp3] This week I take a look back at the absolutely amazing Malta Comic-Con I've recently returned from – then Taylor & I discuss some of the gems found there, including Sean Azzopardi's latest release Same Day Return. We also present a very special panel I conducted with comics industry legends Dave Gibbons (Watchmen, Secret[...]
Pop Culture Hounding Marvel NOW! and Ryan Ferrier
Chris Thompson writes for Bleeding Cool… just before he heads off to Malta! [audio:http://popculturehound.net/podcast/PCHPodcastEpisode18.mp3] Taylor and I have mixed views about this week's Marvel Now! books, and find we don't see eye-to-eye with Daniel Way's Thunderbolts #1 or Jonathan Hickman's much-anticipated Avengers #1. Taylor also chats with Ryan Ferrier (Tiger Lawyer and Challenger Comics) about his career thus[...]
Pop Culture Hounding DC's New 52 Zero Issues – Week 3
Best of all it should be out before you even hit the store! This week we cover Batwoman, Birds of Prey, Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Catwoman, DC Universe Presents, Green Lantern: New Guardians, Justice League, Legion of Super-Heroes, Nightwing, Red Hood & The Outlaws, Supergirl, Sword of Sorcery, and Wonder Woman – whew! As always, you can[...]
Pop Culture Hounding At Dick's Last Resort
Welcome to the new regular Pop Culture Hound podcast, from Bleeding Cool contributor, Chris Thompson. "This episode continues my aural adventures at San Diego Comic-Con 2012 First up, I chat with independent creators Sarah Becan and Eliza Frye who were both able to publish their latest work through successful Kickstarter campaigns Taylor and I then peel[...]
Pop Culture Hounding Ales Kot
Welcome to the new regular Pop Culture Hound podcast, from Bleeding Cool contributor, Chris Thompson. This week, I chat with creator Ales Kot about his life and inspirations (both in and out of comics) as well as his Image Comics projects Wild Children and Change. Ales is the up-and-coming writer you need to know about, and if[...]