The duo last appeared there in Michel Gondry's 2012 film starring Seth Rogen and Jay Chou That film is not fondly remembered by Green Hornet fans, although it is not terrible This is going to be more accurate to the character's roots and is looking to come to theaters asap The news was first reported[...]
seth rogen Archives
We know that James Tynion IV has been on quite the hot streak at Boom Studios, with Something Killing The Children #1 joining Boom's exclusive 50K Club and then the whole series going back to press, with issue #1 hitting a sixth printing.
But as first reported by the Key Collectors App in late 2019 and[...]
Rick Remender (Deadly Class) and Tony Moore's (The Walking Dead) Image/Dark Horse comic book series Fear Agent will be time-travelling its way to Amazon, who won the rights to the series from Seth Rogen, Matt Tolmach, and David F Sandberg The Batman co-writer Mattson Tomlin is set to pen the pilot, with Sandberg (Shazam!, Annabelle:[...]
With AMC's "Preacher" wrapping its four season run this past weekend, series showrunner Sam Catlin is opening up about the characters' fates...
In the last series preview for AMC's "Preacher," when the dust settles on Heaven, Hell, and everything in-between - where does this leave Jesse and Tulip?
In the following preview for the series finale of AMC's "Preacher," we see that it's finally come down to this: Tulip vs. Cassidy - as the apocalypse nears.
With AMC's "Preacher" series finale staring us down like the Saint stared down Jesse, The Grail is giving us sinners a chance to iRepent - here's how!
In the following preview for the series finale of AMC's "Preacher," God's not too thrilled that his "End of the World" is fashionably late...
With only two episodes left, here's a look at a preview for tonight's penultimate episode of AMC "Preacher" that finds Tulip with a "good feeling." Uh-oh...
In the following preview for the penultimate episode of AMC's "Preacher," Humperdoo is taken to His dressing room for a special heart-to-heart...
In the following promo for penultimate series episode "Overture," Jesse may have lost his eye but he didn't lose sight of the oncoming apolcalypse at hand.
In the following preview for this week's episode of AMC's "Preacher," Tulip and Cassidy lose Humperdoo - only to find him doing something... biblical?
In the following preview for the next episode of AMC's "Preacher," Jesse doesn't believe Fiore's offer is his only way out of Hell. So about that, Jesse...
In the following preview images for the next episode of AMC's "Preacher," all of our players begin to converge upon Masada - and Humperdoo breakdances.
In this preview for the next episode of AMC's "Preacher," Cassidy connects with Humperdoo while Tulip keeps her eyes on the prize - and the explosives...
"Preacher" Season 4, Episode 7 "Messiahs": Tulip Needs a Favor, Cassidy Needs Some Answers [PREVIEW]
In the following preview for this week's episode of AMC's "Preacher," Tulip is calling in a favor - and Cassidy needs answers... on religious hats???
In the following preview for AMC's Preacher "Messiahs," Jesse gets a holy job offer from a very familiar face - how can he turn it down?
In the following preview for AMC's Preacher "Messiahs," Tulip and Cassidy are hell-bent on revenge against God while Jesse gets an "interesting" job offer.
In the following preview for AMC Preacher "The Lost Apostle," Tulip and Cassidy are realizing that they have a lot of ground to cover to rescue Jesse...
Now, we're taking a journey back into the show's universe to see how your little toddlers can learn to fight crime… just like The Seven!
Which would be one of the biggest mistakes ever made – just ask Annie aka Starlight (Erin Moriarty).
Just make sure to collect all seven (accessories not included – and yes, that[...]
In the following preview for AMC Preacher "The Lost Apostle," Jesus and Hitler don't seem to be negotiating well - so Herr Starr offers a little reminder...
In the following preview for AMC Preacher "Bleak City," Featherstone doesn't have a problem with being killed - no, her problem is with who the killer is.
In this preview for AMC's Preacher "Bleak City," God is proving to be particularly cruel by having Jesse endure... renting a car! Not going to go well...
In the following preview for AMC's Preacher "Search and Rescue," Jesus seems pretty sure of Himself when it comes to helping with Tulip's jailbreak...
Second, should we reading into anything that The Deep (Chace Crawford) is only partially in the shot? Hmmm…
Amazon Prime
Meanwhile, series co-creator Seth Rogen revealed that he's seen the first episode – and it's more than any of them could've imagined:
"They already have more resources for the second season They're adding more characters, the scope of[...]
In the following preview for AMC Preacher "Search and Rescue," Herr Starr and God meet to share a drink - as Starr questions God's plans for Jesse...
In the next episode of AMC's "Preacher," Tulip makes an unexpected team-up, Cassidy has a plan (???), and Jesse's made God really, really angry...
In the following preview for the next AMC "Preacher," Jesse's mission gets side-tracked (again) by a "rescue mission" at DeSade's House of Entertainment...
In the following promo for AMC's "Preacher," the series makes a very good point that "offending" people isn't such a bad thing - if they're the right ones.
In the interest of fairness, AMC's "Preacher" has requested that we give some "eqal time" to The University of The Grail. We were inclined to agree...