This week's challenge from Si Spurrier;
"Jenny Greenteeth is a figure in English folklore A river hag, she would pull children or the elderly into the water and drown them She was often described as green-skinned, with long hair, and sharp teeth.
She is likely to have been an invention to frighten children from dangerous waters similar[...]
si spurrier Archives
This week's challenge from Si Spurrier;
This week's Paragon Of Class is a swashbuckling space adventurer from the pages of Planet Comics whose name, believe it or not, is the least mind-boggling of the Naughty Nuances which accompanied his improbable adventures.
Ingredients: a space-jockey (fnar!) in a tight skirt (hyuk!) carrying a bulbous weapon (quak!), shooting (yuk-yuk!)[...]
This week's challenge from Si Spurrier;
A simple, classic Golden Age character this week, to avoid Batshit Burnout That said, this guy's not without his very own whiff of Chiroptera cack:
"The Red Bee's secret identity is Rick Raleigh, assistant district attorney in Superior City, Oregon His superhero modus operandi is to put on a red and[...]
The “Remake/Remodel” challenge, founded by Warren Ellis, gives artists of all abilities the opportunity to show-off what they can do in the midst of the
The “Remake/Remodel” challenge, founded by Warren Ellis, gives artists of all abilities the opportunity to show-off what they can do in the midst of the
The “Remake/Remodel” challenge, founded by Warren Ellis, gives artists of all abilities the opportunity to show-off what they can do in the midst of the
SpurrierDelight: Si Spurrier teases a new Avatar webcomic to follow Freakangels, and to run along side his Crossed: Wish You Were Here webcomic for Avatar.
SynergyDelight: "Fresh Ink!" from Attack Of The Show and and's "Fresh Ink! Online" with Blair Butler are adding Graphic.Ly, so that viewers can read one of the comics featured[...]
Avatar are to launch a new weekly webcomic in October, based on Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows' Crossed.
Crossed: Wish You Were Here by Si Spurrier (Gutsville, X-Men) and Javier Barreno (Crossed Family Values) will be announced at Phoenix Comic Con and the new website hosting the free weekly Crossed episodes will be at[...]
Some of you know him for his very sweary Bleeding Cool column Short & Curlies. Well now he seems to be aping the title of another Bleeding Cool
BrainFart: I know I've reached middle-age because I've just bought six bottles of wine and don't intend to drink any of them, because they look better in
BrainFart: All-righty-then. Let's talk POPE. His pointy-headed Holiness descends upon these fair isles (there's got to be an "aisles" pun there, but this
The Keyboard Is My FuckMonkey: Okay… Back to last week's ongoing Super-Heroic Super-Ramble. CATCHUP CORNER: You'll recall we concluded -- using the
The Keyboard Is My FuckMonkey: Steroidal Science-Powered Archetype of Teenage America's Wishful-Vision-Of-Perfect-Adulthood seeks new role, new
News From The SpurSphere: Forgive me dipping oh-so-briefly into the horrors of Social Politics -- specifically that least divisive of all issues, ho ho
The Keyboard Is My FuckMonkey: "Mind the gap!" So shrieketh the subway-based baddie in underrated 70's schlock horror flick Death Line, which is on my
Kultcha: Terrible movies can save us all from an Evil Future. Behold My Tortured Logic: See, a couple of Interesting Viewing Experiences this week have
Kultcha: Overheard conversation between Angry Teacher and Smarmy Little 8-yr-old Schoolkid Bastard, during school-trip to Cultural/Historical Motherlode
The Keyboard Is My FuckMonkey: Like a sluttish protein syruping itself into the Primordial Cell, Google continues to invade my Working Routine. "I'm vital
This Week I Have Been Mostly Hating: ...Having the cruel wobbly knife of gender inequality rammed-home with a corkscrew twist. During a recent visit to a
BrainFart: Much has been made, in recent years, of the ubiquitous MetaFiction Movement. Technically that's any piece of narrative which wears its Not
News From The Spursphere: I'm scum. I'm a wart-weasel of the very worst ilk. I've deserted you, my plucky lovetumours, for three long weeks, and can only
I Fakt You, Right In The Face: Amazing and Helpful news from the world of Real Actual Science! We've all seen crazed labfreaks forcing innocent animals
The Keyboard Continues To Be My FuckMonkey: COMICS! Convention season, I'm reliably informed, is In Full Swing. Here then is a ludicrously tangential
(Back By Popular Demand, You Fuckers) -- This Week I Have Mostly Been Hating: ...the subconscious propensity for the human brain to absorb external
BrainFart: Dear Fatties Of A Certain Kind: it is my sad duty to inform you that wearing Sportswear doesn't actually mean you're Doing Sports. Weight
The Keyboard Is My FuckMonkey: NOVELWATCH: As I type this, I'm about two weeks clear of finishing my next novel. (That's for any given, ill-defined value
BRAINFART: I long to live in a world in which “toilet rolls” are a complex Acrobatic Manoeuvre reserved for an extremely specialist Olympics Event, rather
BrainFart: I get a tiny flutter of pleasure whenever I find a typo in a professionally published novel. I feel it's important that you know this about
Kultcha: Quezon City: most populous berg in the Already-Pretty-Fucking-Teeming Philippines, where overworked and creatively-stunted businessmen have taken
The Keyboard Is My FuckMonkey: Okay. A few final squeezings from the citric tumour I've been mercilessly wringing-out this past couple of weeks,