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"Supernatural" Season 15 "Back and to the Future" Takes The Boys Back To Their Roots [SPOILER REVIEW]
I've been warning you all that I'd be crying a lot this season. Knowing that our Supernatural "End of Days" is drawing closer with each episode gives us all season long to go through the mourning process. Since every chronicled moment with be the last whatever, I lament penning my last Supernatural premiere review. Have a hanky handy because I'm about to let the floodgates loose.
THE ROAD SO FAR recap kicks it up a notch this season and delivers chills as Bob Seger's "The Famous Final Scene" heartbreakingly echoes our sentiments up until the iconic title card flashes. "Back and to the Future" delivers the chills and thrills we expected – kicking off an epic final season with nostalgia, suspense, humor and heart.
The cinematic battlefield landscape captures the despair of war like we've never seen before. Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Castiel (Misha Collins) fight their way through carnage and relentless rising souls seeking revenge. My heart ached as Cas threw Jack's (Alexander Calvert) body over his shoulder as they took cover in a mausoleum.
Just when we feel like sobbing uncontrollably, Supernatural tosses a curve-ball and resuscitates Jack's body with a wise-ass Winchester fanboy demon named Belphegor (read about his interesting demonology here). Calvert gets to stretch his comedic chops in a refreshingly fun way. His banter with Ackles is hilarious! Is Demon Jack hitting on Dean when he keeps commenting on how gorgeous the elder Winchester is? Not that I mind.
Demon Jack's cheekiness is very reminiscent of the rapport Dean shared with Crowley (Mark Sheppard). Our favorite demon MUST return at some point this season. He just has to, right?
Castiel can't stand the sight of Jack's body being desecrated like this. I'm also worried about what this means for the deal Cas made to keep the kid alive. Will The Empty come back to collect Castiel or will Jack keep him preoccupied?
When the Demon finally asks Dean who the meat-suit is to them, he calls Jack their kid – not brother – kid. Sam and Dean raised him on a super-speed timeline, but they raised him nonetheless. Jack went through his brief life thinking WWWD? (What Would the Winchesters Do?). Ya'll are trying to kill me from the first episode, aren't you?
Then we get the expository convo laying the groundwork for this season. This fanboy knows how to foreshadow! Yes, the cage was opened along with Hell's Gates. OG Archangel Michael – in possession of half-brother Adam Winchester's (Jake Abel) body – is out.
I'm not sure how Samifer will come into play. Maybe Nick's vessel won't cut it when he break out of The Empty and he finds a way to manipulate Sam into surrendering – again. Hell, we might even see the Deanichael-Samifer showdown that's been teased since Season 5! Whatever the case – I'm scared.
As for the ghost hunting portion of the episode – I am so happy we get to relive Supernatural's roots during The Last Ride. We feel in love with the Winchester as they took out all kinds of monsters. It is fitting we send them off with a compilation of greatest hits.
I'm anxious to see how many of the original stars will reprise their roles in cameo appearances. Sarah Shahi didn't return as the Woman in White this time, but many no-shows can be explained away with having multiple incarnations of similar spirits. As expected, Sam got stuck with the evil clown!
Belphegor proves to be a dependable ally when he helps to secure this section of hell-breakers under a protective dome. All we're missing is Colin Ford and we're half to an Under the Dome-Supernatural crossover.
Behind the guarded transparent wall, Sam triumphantly shouts "Shut up!" to that dick clown. Damn right, suck it ghosts!
The final season premiere gracefully concludes with a classic Winchester Bros bonding moment. Dean knows Sam had been downplaying the pain of his godly wound and wants to take a look. They kick us in the feels with childhood memory of how Dean would distract Sammy with a cheesy joke before ripping off a band-aid.
Chuckles subside and the convo turns serious. Team Free Will has the biggest fight of their lives up ahead. If Chuck (Rob Benedict) is gone for good, then Winchesters finally are in control of their destiny. Bottom line: "We've got work to do."
If you didn't feel a damn thing after that seamless flashback to the pilot, then you are dead inside. Just saying.
This may be my favorite premiere since Season 4's "Lazarus Rising" which resurrected Dean and introduced Castiel. From beginning to end, everything about "Back And To The Future" did an excellent job of driving the narrative forward while holding onto the past.
The episode was also book-ended by my shameless sorrow. It's official – I am going to cry over every damn episode. Who's weeping with me?