Posted in: Movies, Recent Updates, Video Games | Tagged: Almost Human Games, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, duck dynasty, entertainment, Gearbox, Legend of Grimrock, pc, playstation 3, PlayStation TV, Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition, Square Enix, Steam, Tango Gameworks, telltale games, The Evil Within, video games, walking dead, wii u, Xbox 360
Sweet Release! Borderlands The Pre-Sequel!, The Evil Within, The Walking Dead Seasons 1 & 2, Sleeping Dogs, PlayStation TV, Duck Dynasty
By Jared Cornelius
Welcome back for another rundown of the week's hot new video game tape releases. This week we've got two main themes, re-releases and horror, with a bit of both blended in for good measure. That's right, dear reader, we're getting a couple of repackaging's including hardware this week. We're seeing quite a few titles showing up for the last generation consoles, so if you've been holding out on upgrading to the new generation this is a good week for you. Also at least one game I'd call hot street trash makes the list because if I don't warn you about these things you might be unprepared to encounter it in real life.
Loot-based first person shooting is back on the last generation consoles with Gearbox's Borderlands The Pre-Sequel!, as the name would suggest Pre-Sequel is the prequel to Borderlands 2. While not produced by Gearbox proper, development duties on Pre-Sequel were handled by 2K Australia no doubt to give Gearbox more time to develop a new generation Borderlands title. This iteration has you working for series antagonist Handsome Jack and helping him take over the Hyperion Corporation with four new playable characters from the Borderlands lore including robo-mascot, Claptrap. While not straying far from the series concept of shoot bad guys get cool guns, Pre-Sequel does take the game to the moon, where reduced gravity and oxygen management will be a new consideration while outside of enclosed areas. If there's anything I've learned from the Borderlands franchise it's that downloadable content is sure to be on the horizon and 2K has generally released "Game of The Year" versions of these, so consider that along with the possibility of a new generation port down the line. Don't get me wrong I really liked Borderlands 2, but maybe wait on this one. Borderlands The Pre-Sequel! released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC on Tuesday.
After defining horror on the original PlayStation almost 20 years ago with Resident Evil, Shinji Mikami and his studio Tango Gameworks are hoping to do it again with The Evil Within. Play as kidnapped detective Sebastian Castellanos, whose been taken prisoner by an imposing evil force. The main hook of the game seems to be a system that changes the way events play out based on gameplay interaction. Like all good horror games, the less you know the better, so I'm keeping quiet on this one. The Evil Within released Tuesday for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC.
While we're on the subject of horror, Telltale Games' Walking Dead series returns this week. The third person horror adventure game made waves in 2012 receiving numerous game of the year accolades and was touted for its mature storytelling, compelling characters, and comic-book faithful tone. The series is heading to multiple consoles, in multiple versions, with a Season 2 box copy being released alongside a complete Season 1 containing the original five episodes and 400 Days add on. No spoilers on this game, but if you want Walking Dead spoilers, why not check out my monthly column, Typing on The Dead, where I give recaps and analysis on the new issue! The Walking Dead Game of The Year Edition released on previous generation consoles last week, with the new gen versions released Tuesday. The Walking Dead Season 2 released this Tuesday on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC with Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions out the 21st.
Do you find Grand Theft Auto to be lacking the Hong Kong action cinema that Jackie Chan made so popular in the 90's? Well Square Enix didn't and they want to give you another chance to experience it with their last generation upgrade Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition. The third person open world game has you playing as policeman Wei-Shen, who's gone undercover with the mob. Sleeping Dogs received a quiet amount of praise last generation for doing something different with the open world genre, placing the story in a unique eastern environment, with well fleshed out fighting mechanics. The Definitive Edition sees the game getting a visual upgrade as well as the inclusion of all the downloadable content released for the game. Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition released Tuesday on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
Back in 2012 developer Almost Human Games released it's classic styled CRPG, (computer role-playing game) Legend of Grimrock to great success and two years later they're ready to do it again with Legend of Grimrock 2. The series plays a great deal like the old Wizardry titles from PC or more recently the Etrian Odyssey games from the DS. The first person role playing game has you exploring the Isle of Nex with four player created party members. Choose from 5 different races and 7 different classes and take on over 20 hours of old school exploration and combat. Legend of Grimrock 2 released Tuesday on Steam.
This week we also see another piece of hardware enter the console race with the PlayStation TV. In what amounts to Sony's version of Apple TV or a Roku, you'll be able to stream video on various services like Netflix and Hulu. For some reason you can also stream PlayStation 4 games to the system but in a lowered resolution. The PlayStation TV will also have compatibility with PlayStation Vita games, as well as downloadable PlayStation Classics, and PlayStation Portable titles. It's a super niche system and I imagine it won't do great, but its 99 dollars so it's comparable with the price of Apple TV and has more fleshed out games than any of the other streaming boxes. PlayStation TV released Tuesday.
In a true sign that we've accomplished all we can as a society and it's downhill from here, Activision is releasing a Duck Dynasty game. Based on the popular reality TV program about bigoted swamp people who somehow got rich, the game has you play as John Luke, "as he learns how to become one of the Robertson men!" You'll go hunting for the titular ducks as well as other defenseless creatures like squirrels and frogs, race airboats, and pal around with the shows cast of ZZ Top stand-ins. I hate that this is a thing, but you can buy it Tuesday on everything except the Wii U.
That's it for this week sports fans, more new releases next week as always, Stay Gold!
Jared Cornelius is some guy from the New Jersey coast who's going off the rails on a crazy train. If you'd get on, contact him on Twitter @John Laryngitis