Posted in: Movies | Tagged: adam warlock, Avengers: Infinity War, gotg, gotg2, guardians of the galaxy, guardians of the galaxy vol. 2, james gunn, kevin feige, marvel, Marvel Studios
Informed Speculation: Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 To Feature Adam Warlock, Eleven Post-Credits Scenes?
Gearing up for the movie's May 5 release, superstar director James Gunn has been pumping out entertainment news story fodder, mostly via posts on Facebook. But it was at a real life press junket today that Gunn lobbed an explosive news grenade into a crowd of entertainment websites, when, according to erotic fan fiction themed website SlashFilm, Gunn revealed that Adam Warlock was originally meant to be in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2:
I love Adam Warlock. He's one of my favorite characters. In all truth, I wrote an early treatment where I had Adam Warlock as a part…this is your big scoop, because I don't think I've told anybody this… It was Adam Warlock. He was a big part of the screenplay and I realized it was one character too many. And I adored the character. I adored what we had done with him. I think we did something really creative and unique with Adam Warlock. But it was one character too many and I didn't want to lose Mantis and Mantis was more organically part of the movie anyway. So I decided to save him for later.
Slashfilm goes on to say that Kevin Feige told them Gunn is developing Warlock for a future film. Will it be in Avengers: Infinity War? No! According to Gunn:
He's not. He's not in Infinity War. But he will be a part of the future Marvel cosmic universe and a pretty important part of that.
Gunn didn't say anything about the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 post-credits scenes, but he also didn't confirm that Adam Warlock will appear in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, which didn't stop SlashFilm from going with the headline "Exclusive: Adam Warlock Was Originally a Major Character in 'Guardians Vol. 2'; Will Be in 'Guardians 3'" or going with "Avengers: Infinity War Will Not Include Adam Warlock, Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 Will," so we figure you can cut us some slack as well. First of all, it follows naturally in the mathematical pattern that there will be eleven, and also our headline was phrased in the form of a question.