Posted in: Movies | Tagged: emoji movie, entertainment, film, HRL, James Corden, patrick stewart, T J Miller
The Emoji Movie Has A 0% Rating On Rotten Tomatoes
Update: The Emoji Movie has risen to the dizzying heights of 3%, with one Fresh rating out of 30 reviews.
Update 2: The Emoji Movie is sitting pretty at 7%. Congratulations are in order!
It might end up being one of the lowest-rated movies of all time — The Emoji Movie has a 0% rating on, with an average of 2 out of 10 stars. That's with 28 reviews, 12 of them from top critics, and all of them call the movie Rotten.
So what is The Emoji Movie, besides a trainwreck?
"This animated comedy takes place in Textopolis, a world inside a smartphone that's inhabited by various emojis. There, an emoji named Gene (voiced by T.J. Miller) is ashamed that he has multiple facial expressions while his colleagues only have one each, and he embarks on a quest to be like everyone else. James Corden, Anna Faris, Jennifer Coolidge, Patrick Stewart, and Maya Rudolph also lend their voices to this film from Sony Pictures Animation."
I'm not sure how a movie like this ever got approved…oh yeah, someone thought it would make money.
Here are a couple of the better quotes from the reviews:
Jordan Hoffman (New York Daily News)
"The Emoji Movie shows how low Hollywood will sink for easy 💰."
Vadim Rizov (The AV Club)
"There was probably never going to be a version of this film that would prove even remotely plausible as a movie someone felt passionately about making for artistic reasons; as far as expanding on smartphone-related IP, this is an even weaker starting point than Sony Animation's recent The Angry Birds Movie."
Peter Sobczynski (
"The Emoji Movie may be as depressing of a film experience as anything to come out this year but if the reaction of the kids that I saw it with is any indication, there may be hope for the future after all."
Owen Gleiberman (Variety)
"The cartoon ideograms from your smartphone get their own animated adventure, but do they deserve it? Actually, they deserve better than this witless Inside Out knockoff."
Alissa Wilkinson (Vox)
"Most likely, it was going to be a garbage fire. And now that I've seen it, I can confirm that suspicion: The Emoji Movie is a waste of time, resources, and a bunch of comedians' voices, plus a premise that actually had the potential to do some small good in the world. It's less of a movie and more of an insult."
But if enough parents take their kids to get out of the heat this weekend, there will be sequels.