Posted in: Comics, Review, Valiant | Tagged: comedy, Daniel Kibblesmith, Kano, quantum and woody, superheroes, valiant entertainment
Quantum and Woody #2 Review: Delivers on its Promises
A peer into their childhood shows the early struggles of Quantum and Woody, and a jump into the more recent past shows the cause of their failed partnership.
In the present, Negative One reveals her plans to Woody and how they will lead him into conflict with his brother.
We also learn what exactly Quantum/Eric's current job is and what lay behind it.
While the first issue of Quantum and Woody was a solid read with some laughs and fun to be shared, it didn't leave me especially satisfied. Some elements were missing to turn the comic into a truly entertaining read.
Thankfully, Quantum and Woody #2 delivers on the potential of the story. The schism between Eric and Woody Henderson is explored, there is more action and energy, and the overall story is more cohesive and less fractured.
The comic is generally funnier too. There are more little jokes and visual gags. The increased momentum and faster pacing allows for the reader to be less bored and thus more receptive to a good punchline here and there.
There is more emotional energy too. We how the relationship between Eric and Woody really is. We see how much of a dick Woody can be, but we also see how manipulative and underhanded Eric could be in response. Neither one is the perfect brother, and you can see how each one landed in the position they currently occupy.
The time-hopping of the narrative is still a little confusing. Having just read the first issue last month, I still had some trouble remembering what is the present, what is the past, and which part we are supposed to be following. This much time shifting is a little odd for an action-comedy like Quantum and Woody. The withholding of information it elicits doesn't really do anything for the story either.
Kano's artwork is excellent. The world is highly detailed, the environments are full of small things that give the world more life, and the characters are expressive and well-designed. The layouts get a little too cute sometimes and can be disorienting. There are a pair of spreads that require you to turn the comic around which is really not conducive to digital reading.
Kano's colors are wild and eye-catching too. Each has a smattering of varied and contrasting shades that serve to give the world a strong personality.
Quantum and Woody #2 delivers on many of the promises of the first issue, resulting in funny, engaging, and gorgeous comic well-worth a read. Daniel Kibblesmith and Kano do some great work. This one gets a recommendation. Check it out.