Posted in: AfterShock, Comics, Comics for Your Pull Box, Dark Horse Comics, DC Comics, IDW, Image, Marvel Comics, Valiant | Tagged: amigo comics, Batman, black mask comics, boom studios, brian k vaughn, brian michael bendis, cullen bunn, dark horse comics, dc comics, doctor strange: damnation, fantasy, fiona staples, Harrow County, hunt for wolverine, idw publishing, image comics, iron man, ivan reis, jeff lemire, Marvel Comics, matt kindt, saga, sci-fi, superheroes, Titan comics, Tyler Crook, Tyler Jenkins, valiant entertainment, vault comics
Comics for Your Pull Box, Week of April 25th, 2018: Damnation Ends and Hunt for Wolverine Begins
This one is going up a bit later than I intended as well, but, regardless, here is another Comics for Your Pull Box entry to help you this coming Wednesday. As always, here is the link to ComicList for the full release catalogue.
Babyteeth #10
Babyteeth promises a big reveal that brings the story to Palestine. After what went down in Babyteeth #9, I don't doubt that the next issue will still shock and horrify. This series is among AfterShock's best, and that's saying something considering how prolific this publisher has become. Don't miss out on this Donny Cates and Garry Brown title.
Hidden Blood #1
Amigo Comics brings you this new series from Massacre. It's about an MMA fighter/dancer that teams up with a Nazi hunter to fight monsters and participate in the noble tradition of Nazi hunting. The cover and premise both seem very much akin to the trashy exploitation of the 1970s, but that's my kind of trashy exploitation. If that's your jam, this is a book worthy of checking out.
Black AF Widows and Orphans #1
Sharing the same premise as Black AF: America's Sweetheart and (presumably) taking place in the same universe, a young black man is gunned down by police. However, he survives, learning he has superpowers, and exists in a world where only black people have superpowers. He learns the secret at the heart of this world, and he must decide whether it should remain a secret. This one comes courtesy of creators Kwanza Osajyefo and Tim Smith 3.
Grass Kings #14
Grass Kings nears its end with its second-to-last issue. With an ongoing assault from the American government raining hell upon the Grass Kingdom, its final hours may be drawing near. Three brothers reunite in a final effort to save the dream.
Aliens: Dust to Dust #1
Gabriel Hardman brings to life this Dark Horse Comics Alien miniseries about a 12-year-old boy and his mother trying to survive an attack on their colony by the Xenomorphs. This one promises to be a coming-of-age story set in Alien, and that sounds promising.
Harrow County #30
Harrow County begins its final arc, as the witch returns to take Emmy's powers and take over Harrow County. This has been one of the best horror comics and Dark Horse series of recent years, and the ending is sure to impress.
The Demon: Hell is Earth #6
In the series finale, Etrigan, Jason Blood, Merlin, and Madame Xanadu must unite in the hopes that they can bring down Etrigan and Merlin's father, Belial. His Hell Dome is taking over the Earth, and time is running out to reestablish order in Hell and on Earth.
Batman: Detective Comics #979
Omac has returned thanks to Ulysses' tamperings with the future tech left behind by the Tim Drake of tomorrow's attack on the Belfry. Omac is taking over Gotham through the Colony's technology. It's up to Batman, Red Robin, Orphan, Batwoman, Azrael, and Batwing to save the day.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #43
The Darkstars have returned and shaken off the reigns of the Controllers. That means it's up to the Green Lantern Corps to stop these lethal law enforcement drones from becoming the top cops in the universe. Tomar-Tu, son of Tomar-Re and friend to Hal Jordan, was the first recruit of the Darkstars, but he won't be the last.
Justice League of America #29
This run of Justice League of America reaches its finale. Chronos has succeeded in killing Ahl, the God of Superheroes. The future has changed so that there are no longer superheroes. It's up to this Justice League to reunite and save the world from Chronos's reign.
Terrifics #3
The Terrifics have been forced together by the energies of the Dark Multiverse, but Michael Holt is determined to get some privacy from Metamorpho, Plastic Man, and Phantom Girl. Unfortunately, they may have to contend with Apokolips War Wheels before that happens.
Titans Annual #2
The Titans are still broken apart, and the Justice League has been defeated. Only Arsenal and Donna Troy are aware of the plans of the Brain, Monsieur Mallah, and Cheshire. Are our two heroes enough to prevent armageddon by brain and gorilla?
Trinity #22
Deimos' time weapon has been revealed, and it's up to Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Warlord to stop him from reducing the world to dust. This is the final issue of this run of Trinity, and, as always, I have to recommend the finale to books I either liked or thought looked intriguing. This one falls into the latter category.
Dungeons and Dragons: Evil at Baldur's Gate #1
A new Dungeons and Dragons series for the fantasy and RPG lover, Jim Zub and Dean Kotz bring you this story set in Baldur's Gate, where its heroes have just returned to find themselves no longer feeling at home. Plus, a new hero roams the streets to make the previous champions feel that much more unwelcome.
J. Scott Campbell's Danger Girl 20th Anniversary #1
For the 20th Anniversary of J. Scott Campbell's Danger Girl, IDW Publishing is re-releasing the original issue along with a scanned and remastered version of the issue in a single anniversary installment. For fans of this franchise, this looks to be a unique collectible.
Redneck #12
The Bowmans are still being held captive, but a vicious avenger has arrived to save them. However, things still look rough for the vampire clan, especially with one of their own now being the most powerful weapon of the rival family. This installment is looking to be an exciting climax.
Saga #51
Upsher and Doff have Prince Robot's story, and it could change the way the universe looks at the war. However, the notoriety could hurt Hazel's family, and, as we know, their life is already more complicated than most.
All-New Wolverine #34
The future is a utopia thanks to the heroes of Earth, but Doctor Doom is still planning something from the shadows. With Laura discovering that her time is short, she takes care of some unfinished business in Latveria with the help of Maria Hill and Gabby, the Wolverine of the future.
Doctor Strange: Damnation #4
Doctor Strange: Damnation reaches its finale this week. The new Midnight Sons have fallen before Mephisto. It's only Wong against the Demon now, and someone is going to have to pay the house their dues. I think that works as a casino pun.
Exiles #2
The first issue of Saladin Ahmed and Javier Rodriguez's Exiles blew me away with its boundless personality and fun. With this issue, we are getting the new Valkyrie, which seems to be inspired by Tessa Thompson's fabulous take on the character in Taika Waititi's Thor: Ragnarok. This is a wonderful idea, because the pre-existing Valkyrie in Marvel Comics, while awesome, could do with a fun counterpart like this in the Marvel Universe.
Hunt for Wolverine #1
Hunt for Wolverine begins under the team of Charles Soule, David Marquez, and Paulo Siqueira. The X-Men stumble upon a mystery that will unearth old wounds and reveal that Logan is still alive after all this time. This will spin off into a multi-series event, which Marvel totally doesn't do — like, ever. Not at all. They definitely don't have any going on right now already.
Invincible Iron Man #599
'Search for Tony Stark' reaches its inevitable conclusion with Tony Stark being found by his friends and family. What does this mean for the future of Ironheart and the Infamous Iron Man?
Marvel Rising #0
Marvel Rising, a new anthology book by Marvel comics, kicks off with a free first issue this Wednesday. It's angled for a YA audience, but the first issue involves Squirrel Girl meeting Ms. Marvel. And that sounds plain awesome. Plus, we get stories with America and the Patriot, two heroes I personally enjoy a lot.
Mighty Thor #706
The Mangog has been slain. Thor is dead. The final transformation pushed Jane Foster's body to its limits. Mjolnir has been lost in the fight. Asgardia has been destroyed. What happens now?
Thanos Annual #1
A cavelcade of creators join together to bring you this tale of Thanos, chronicling his life with the Cosmic Ghost Rider as our guide. Just in time for Avengers: Infinity War, rediscover the Mad Titan.
Venom #165
The Venom symbiote is pregnant once again, and its previous spawn have proven to be walking atrocities, the most notable of which is Carnage. It's also driving a rift between the symbiote and Eddie Brock. I believe this is the last issue before the new Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman run off Venom. This story is being promised to carry over into that.
Bloodborne #3
With the Paleblood in tow and the Blood-Starved Beast hunting them, the Hunter holds the fate of Yarnham and its people in their hand. Gerhman is their guide, but even he is influenced by greater forces. Ales Kot and Piotr Kowalski have not disappointed with this series yet, and the Bloodborne fan that is me gets tingles with every issue.
Forever Free #1
Titan Comics is putting out this sequel to the comic adaptation of the classic sci-fi novel, The Forever War. Forever Free is being put together by the same creative team of Joe and Gay Haldeman and Marvano and is coming out this week.
Prisoner #1
Peter Milligan and Colin Lorimer bring you this comic adaptation of the classic television series, The Prisoner. It centered around a mysterious and malevolent village, and this comic is coming out this week to coincide with the 50th anniversary of its airing in the US.
Mega Man Mastermix #2
The second volume of Udon's quarterly colorized remastering of Hitoshi Ariga's classic Mega Man manga comes out this week. This issue pits Mega Man against Dr. Wily's own deadly creations, the Wily Numbers.
Shadowman #2
Shadowman is back in New Orleans, but Baron Samedi is making moves on the mortal plane to seize the power of Shadowman from Jack Boniface. That leaves it to Jack and Alyssa to stop him, even as another demonic force rises in the world. The first issue to this Andy Diggle and Stephen Segovia revival of Shadowman left me impressed. Hopefully that streak will continue.
X-O Manowar #14
X-O Manowar returns to Earth at last just in time for the prelude to Harbinger Wars 2 to begin building. People want Aric on their side, and his adventures across the galaxy have left him war-weary enough as it is. What future awaits Aric. Matt Kindt has made this one of the most interesting superhero comics on the market, and I look forward to it returning back to Earth.
Deep Roots #1
This book comes courtesy of Vault Comics and the creative team of Dan Watters and Val Rodrigues. It tells the story of an Otherworld tearing into our own through vegetation and roots. It incurs into London, and plant-creatures spill through to fight back against the toxins we have loosed upon our world. To save both worlds, we must go into the Otherworld. That sounds like an interesting premise, and I very much look forward to checking it out.
That's it for this week's Comics for Your Pull Box. As always, I hope everyone found something worthwhile on this list, and expect reviews for many of these entries in the days to come. See you then!