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Green Lanterns Annual #1 Review: Rings Don't Help with Public Speaking

Green Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz have been called to give a speech to honor the legendary Lost Lantern of the Vaiker System, one of the earliest species to be inducted into the Green Lantern Corps. The Vaiker home planet is long gone, and the Corps hold this in the honor of the Lost Lantern periodically. Jesse has prepared and stressed about this for days while Simon is planning to wing it. The Vaikeans are a race who hold protocol in high importance.

Green Lanterns Annual #1 cover by Mike Perkins and Andy Troy
Green Lanterns Annual #1 cover by Mike Perkins and Andy Troy

That description might make Green Lanterns Annual #1 sound boring, and, admittedly, it is a slower-paced comic than the Green Arrow Annual we were graced with this week. However, this comic is a very good character-focused installment of Green Lanterns.

The comic spotlights Jessica Cruz's anxiety, a common theme for this series. However, it also shows what sets her apart and makes her a strong GL. Simon isn't focused upon as heavily, but he does have some solid moments throughout the comic.

Also, the original decision to give Jesse's ring a voice and personality was brilliant and still pays off to this day.

The comic also has a strong focus on guilt, societal expectations, and is an all-around smartly-written book. Andy Diggle knocked it out of the park on this one.

Green Lanterns Annual #1 art by Mike Perkins and Andy Diggle
Green Lanterns Annual #1 art by Mike Perkins and Andy Diggle

The great Mike Perkins contributes his talent to this comic, and it looks as great as you'd imagine. The world is textured, heavily-detailed, and lifelike. Subtle emotion and personality is shown in facial expressions and body language. Jessica Cruz is rail-thin and can look odd in some panels, but those are few. Andy Troy joins Diggle to contribute the color art, and his palette is well-balanced and vibrant.

Green Lanterns Annual #1 is a character-focused and highly entertaining comic about heroes conquering the villain that is public speaking. The comic is a little slow at times, but most of the book is engaging enough to firmly hold the reader's attention. Plus, Perkins and Troy are a hell of an artistic team. This comic earns a recommendation. Give it a read.

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Joshua DavisonAbout Joshua Davison

Josh is a longtime super hero comic fan and an aspiring comic book and fiction writer himself. He also trades in videogames, Star Wars, and Magic: The Gathering, and he is also a budding film buff. He's always been a huge nerd, and he hopes to contribute something of worth to the wider geek culture conversation. He is also happy to announce that he is the new Reviews Editor for Bleeding Cool. Follow on Twitter @joshdavisonbolt.
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