Madeline Ricchiuto Archives

Alder's Blood
The "victorian-fantasy XCOM" project Alder's Blood has launched on Kickstarter from developer Michał Bernat. Alder's Blood is designed to prioritize players' tactical decisions over RNG rolls, to the point where there is no RNG system in the base mechanics of the game.
Monster Hunter: World Events
Capcom has released a schedule for the upcoming events that will be making their way to Monster Hunter: World. The event list includes a few hunts that specify hunting targets like the Anjanath or Tzutzu-Ya-Ku. A couple of them are delivery quests.
dragon ball fighterz
Bandai Namco and Arc System Works' Dragon Ball FighterZ has been having some troubles with online functionality since the game launched last month. DBFZ's producer Tomoko Hiroki announced that the dev team will be rolling out two new patches for the game to fix several of the ongoing Ring Match and connection issues.
detective pikachu
Earlier today, Nintendo released a new trailer for Detective Pikachu that showed off new features, characters, and game-play footage for the upcoming 3DS adventure. The new trailer includes an appearance by the "mysterious Mewtwo" who seems to be a little bit shady.
Donald Trump fake news
In the wake of the school shooting in Parkland Florida, many have been calling on President Donald Trump to address gun control measures. Now Trump is vowing to investigate the effect of violent video games on the issue, despite existing evidence showing no correlation.