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Lone Coconut Announces Plunderlong Tinker Rusty Add-On Option 

This past weekend, Lone Coconut's new Plunderlings Kickstarter campaign came to an end. The campaign exceeded expectations, as its original goal of $100,000 ended at a whopping $339,531. A total of 1,191 backers were involved as the Plunderlings line grows to add new Plunderlong and Plunderstrong pirate goblins. Lone Coconut continued to reveal new Long and Strong designs over the life of the crowdfunding campaign with the end result being only hundreds of dollars shy of the $340,00 unlock. 

However, Lone Coconut has revealed that they are adding that elusive final unlocks aka Plunderlong Tinker Rusty as a Backerkit Add-On. A minimum of 200 orders need to be fulfilled for Rusty to come to life, but it is fantastic that Lone Coconut is adding to this camping even after its successful run. If you backed the new Plunderlings campaign be sure to add Rusty to your add-on if you wanted him. For collectors who missed the campaign, all is not lost as some of these Plunderlongs and Plunderstrongs as up for pre-order through Big Bad Toy Store with a Q1 2023 release right here. Do not miss out on owning these fantastic original figures and there are so many to choose from. 

"Rusty, the Plunderlong Tinker, is absolutely certain that the Plunderfolk are on the cusp of a great mechanical revolution. This engineer cut his teeth working the docks of the bustling dock-city, The Big Anchor, but his restless mind is always coming up with insane solutions to impossible engineering problems. If you have repairs that no other mechanic will touch, Rusty is your guy. Just make sure you carry enough shinies to pay up. His fees are high to cover his costly research into experimental machine-making. And if you try to bargain with his genius, he'll have no problem giving you a good wack with his massive monkey wrench!  Something which he also does regularly to get his inventions working."

Accessories Include:

  • Three Magnetic Heads with Different Expressions
  • Two Magnetic Conical Helmets
  • Pair of Small Gloved Open Hands
  • Pair of Small Gloves Gripping Hands
  • Two Wrenches
  • Monkey Wrench

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Tyler RobertsAbout Tyler Roberts

He has been the Collectibles Editor since late 2019. Historian, Air Force Veteran, and dedicated collector of Mezco Toyz, Marvel Legends, and is obsessed with Star Wars.
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