Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Cammy's Favorite Covers, Gamma, hawkeye, Red Hood And The Outlaws, Wolverine And The X-Men, young avengers
Cammy's Covers – From Red Hood And The Outlaws To The Gamma One-Shot
Cameron Hatheway writes for Bleeding Cool:
Red Hood and the Outlaws #22 by Guillem March
Ah yes, the classic Yin-Yang pose with an added dash of sex appeal. I enjoy Starfire's painted hair style, for the flames really blend well together as she propels upwards. The shine on her outfit also works very well, for its sleek and reflective properties really catch the eye. And let's not forget the villain and her plumes of dark magic smoke as she zooms downward for a surprise attack; that's some definite bad joojoo brewing! Very pretty cover with some wonderful coloring.
Hawkeye Annual #1 by Javier Pulido
For a split second I misread the signature down at the bottom as 'Jamie' as in 'Jamie Hernandez' and thought "Man! That's one helluva artist to snag for your cover!" Even the style looks a little like Hernandez, but alas it's none other than the extremely talented Javier Pulido. The lack of outlines make the different shades of gray very aesthetically pleasing, with the red from Madame Masque's eyes and Kate's checkered red and white dress popping out. The multiple masks almost remind me of Phanto from Super Mario Bros. 2 (creepiest villain ever).
Wolverine and the X-Men #33 by Nick Bradshaw & Morry Hollowell
The main draw for me with this cover was the extremely intricate detailing, with no blank space to be seen. Art Adams would be impressed with all the attention to details, for Bradshaw and Hollowell really took their time with this cover. All the multicolored vegetation is beautiful, with the dominant blue of Beast and purple of Lockheed drawing the eye front and center. Something big is hungry, and it appears that the X-Men are on the menu. Superb cover, through and through.
Young Avengers #8 by Jamie McKelvie & Matthew Wilson
The Multiverse is like one big roulette wheel, and you don't know what version of yourself you're going to land on! I like how that's depicted in this cover, with McKelvie and Wilson showing us a huge range of possibilities. I do enjoy the reptilian version of Miss America with her red, white and blue scaly right eye. Or the metal wing of Hulkling. Or the sudden sex-change of Kate Bishop. The possibilities are endless, and yet I'd love to see the unused character designs perhaps in the back of the next trade.
Gamma One-Shot by Ulises Farinas
This is my favorite cover of the week, hands down. It appears to be a one-shot, so why not just introduce every single character that's featured in the story? So many bizarre and unique beings, that it's absolute eye-candy to scan for several minutes on end. Farinas is one of those artists with a gigantic imagination, and it's an absolute joy to see him let loose with a cover like this one. How can one not be intrigued after seeing a cover like this one? It's too cool for school, I'll tell you what!
Cameron Hatheway is the host of Cammy's Comic Corner and Arts & Entertainment Editor of the Sonoma State STAR. You can see why he's called Carlos Danger on Twitter @CamComicCorner.