Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics, Superman | Tagged: 5g, 5g remains, Batman, damian wayne, dan didio, dc comics, infinite frontier, Jonathan Kent, luke fox, superman, The 5G Files
Damian Wayne Would Have Been The Big Bad Of The 5G DC Universe
In recent days, Bleeding Cool has reported that James Tynion IV chose to write DC Vs Vampires as an out of continuity series rather than work on any of the 5G series at DC Comics after it was planned he would stop writing Batman with #100 in time for a reboot by John Ridley with Tim Fox as the new Batman. 5G went away, of course, as publisher Dan DiDio – and chief champion of 5G and the new DC Timeline – was fired by DC Comics. This week Bleeding Cool ran the planned new DC Timeline which would have seen Batman and Superman aged up to their late fifties, Nightwing into his forties, Jonathan Kent to 23 and Damian Wayne to 18. Bleeding Cool understands that creators were asked to just portray the new characters as these ages without explanation, jumping from one issue to the next, and Death Metal would have ended with the new DC Timeline established and the characters now at these new ages. We also learned this week of DC Comics' and Dan DiDio's wider plans for Jonathan Kent and Damian Wayne for 5G. Jonathan Kent would have been the new Superman of Earth, while his father, the Clark Kent Superman would have gone off to lead a new iteration of The Authority – the final version of which was published today. Originally that Superman would have become more authoritarian, while Jonathan Kent would have been a more classic feel Superman – rather than the status quo-changing version that is currently teased in the new Superman: Son Of Kal-El comic.
Which also would have put Jonathan Kent at odds with his best friend, Damian Wayne. Who was not the new Batman, Luke Fox was. And yes, back then, it was going to be Luke Fox and not Tim Fox, just as we originally heard. Damian Wayne was instead echoing the actions of his grandfather instead, Ra's Ah Ghul, accomplishing everything Ghul failed at, and in the process becoming the new Big Bad of the DC Universe. And with Jonathan Kent in direct opposition to his former best friend, with the comparison made internally at DC Comics that Damian would be Magneto to Jonathan Kent's Professor X. And another example of Dan DiDio's DC Comics trying to mirror and match aspects of the Marvel Universe. Damian Wayne would be remaking a world without borders, alongside the Leviathan group, hating the Luke Fox Batman as a pretender to Bruce Wayne's name, with Luke Fox not trusting Jonathan Kent because of his previous relationship with Damian Wayne. Is this time for #ReleaseTheDiDioCut or #RestoreTheDiDioUniverse at all?