Hello BC readers, it’s been a while. I’ve been off working on comics (The Freeze Vol 1 trade from Image Comics/Top Cow is in stores now…) but after
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, dynamite, entertainment, flash gordon, Purgatori, Shadow: Midnight In Moscow
Free On Bleeding Cool – Flash Gordon #6 And Purgatori #2 Plus New FOC Covers
Dynamite Entertainment is offering up some new covers as retailer incentives at the Final Order Cutoff date for Flash Gordon #7, Purgatori #3 and The Shadow: Midnight in Moscow #6. Besides the covers below, we also have the full issues of Flash Gordon #6 and Purgatori #2 for you to see.
- FOC Incentive A: For any retailer whose final FOC orders for FLASH GORDON #7 equal or exceed 100% of their orders for issue #6, that retailer will be eligible to purchase one (1) FLASH GORDON #7 RARE LAMING B&W INCV with cover artwork by Marc Laming, priced at Net Cost $2.00 apiece, for every five (5) copies of FLASH GORDON #7 ordered.
- FOC Incentive B: For any retailer whose final FOC orders for PURGATORI #3 equal or exceed 100% of their orders for issue #2, that retailer will be eligible to purchase one (1) PURGATORI #3 RARE RUFFINO VIRGIN INCV with cover artwork by Nei Ruffino, priced at Net Cost $2.00 apiece, for every ten (10) copies of PURGATORI #3 ordered.
- FOC Incentive C: For any retailer whose final FOC orders for PURGATORI #3 equal or exceed 100% of their orders for issue #2, that retailer will be eligible to purchase one (1) PURGATORI #3 RARE RUFFINO BLOOD RED INCV with cover artwork by Nei Ruffino, priced at Net Cost $2.00 apiece, for every five (5) copies of PURGATORI #3 ordered.
- FOC Incentive D: For any retailer whose final FOC orders for SHADOW MIDNIGHT IN MOSCOW #6 equal or exceed 100% of their orders for issue #5, that retailer will be eligible to purchase one (1) SHADOW MIDNIGHT MOSCOW #6 (OF 6) RARE CHAYKIN B&W INCV with cover artwork by Howard Chaykin, priced at Net Cost $2.00 apiece, for every five (5) copies of SHADOW MIDNIGHT IN MOSCOW #6 ordered.
And now we have the promised free issue from Dynamite. Earlier issues are of course available on the DRM-Free Dynamite Digital website.
Flash Gordon #6 by Jeff Parker and Evan Shaner.
Purgatori #2 by Aaron Gillespie and Javier Garcia Miranda

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