Posted in: Comics | Tagged: 2000 ad, Alec Worley, alex de campi, Arthur Wyatt, Ben Willsher, Carlos Ezquerra, chris weston, dan abnett, David Roach, Emma Beeby, Gordon Rennie, Henry Flint, John Burns, judge dredd, judge dredd megazine, kek-w, March 2018, phil winslade, rebellion, rob williams, rory mcconville, Simon Coleby, Solicits
Judge Dredd and Mecha-Farm Animals from Rebellion March 2018 Solicits
2000 AD and the Judge Dredd Megazine continue their runs in the upcoming March of 2018 by Rebellion. Each has a slew of writers and artists, and you can check out more details below. As you can see, the Judge Dredd Megazine has mecha-farm animals.
2000 AD PROGS 2071-2074
2071 on sale 7 March 2018
2072 on sale 14 March 2018
2073 on sale 21 March 2018
2074 on sale 28 March 2018
Blazing SF action from the Eisner-nominated UK anthology! The storylines for Judge Dredd, Bad Company, Brass Sun, Savage and ABC Warriors all wrap up in Progs 2071-2072, leaving the decks clear for an all-new line-up to start in the bumper, 48-page Prog 2073 – Dredd crosses paths once more with the terrifying Judge Pin in 'Fit for Purpose' by Rob Williams and Chris Weston; vampire bounty hunter Durham Red takes on a case to reunite mother and son in 'Born Bad' by Alec Worley and Ben Willsher; Nort war-crimes investigator Atalia Jaegir returns to the hellworld that is Nu Earth in 'In the Realm of Pyrrhus' by Gordon Rennie and Simon Coleby; Psi-Judge Anderson must face a new threat rising from the Undercity in 'Undertow' by Emma Beeby and David Roach; and history is being reshaped in 'The New World', the fourth series of the time- and dimension-jumping thriller The Order by Kek-W and John Burns!
32pp, weekly, £2.75 (Prog 2073 48pp, £3.99)
394 on sale 21 March 2018
More action and adventure in the future-shocked world of Judge Dredd! The lawman and Harry Heston are on the run as an ape revolution rises around them in 'Krong Island' by Arthur Wyatt and Jake Lynch; Marshal Metta Lawson is left counting the cost of war with Munce, Inc. in the last episode of the current series of Lawless by Dan Abnett and Phil Winslade; Cursed Earth Koburn is caught in the centre of outright chaos in 'The Law of the Cursed Earth' by Rory McConville and Carlos Ezquerra; the dimensional wall is breaking apart in the DREDD movie sequel 'The Dead World' by Arthur Wyatt, Alex De Campi and Henry Flint; and a new series starts this issue as an anomaly appears in Ciudad Barranquilla and only a band of NDE survivors can investigate in 'The Returners' by Si Spencer and Nicolo Assirelli. Plus the usual interviews and features – and in the bagged graphic novel this month, Earth faces its final battle with the alien Hurde in Outlier Vol 3 by T.C. Eglington and Karl Richardson!
64pp (+ bagged 64pp graphic novel), monthly, £5.99