Posted in: Movies, Recent Updates, Video Games | Tagged: adventure time, cartoon network, Conception 2: Children of the Seven Starts, Elder Scrolls Online, entertainment, Excitebike, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, Finn & Jake's Epic Quest, Nintendo 3DS, playstation 3, playstation 4, Square Enix, Steam, Trials Fusion, video games, world of warcraft, xbox one
Live(ish) From The Games Shop – Trials Fusion, Final Fantasy XIV, Conception 2, Finn & Jakes Epic Quest
By Jared Cornelius
Welcome back to Live(ish) From The Games Shop, It's another week of video games for a real niche audience. I'm not going to lie to you, this might be the toughest week if you want a new video game. Maybe just go outside and we'll pretend this week didn't exist.
Trials Fusion, is the latest iteration of the 2.5D platforming stunt racer. The Trials series was a huge hit on the last generation of consoles with its tight controls, sprawling Excitebike stunt jumps, and one more run level design. Trials Fusion is taking the extreme attitude of go big or go home, with four player multiplayer, time trials, points competitions, a track editor and more. If you ever sat in front of your NES and put down ramps endlessly on Excitebike you might want to check this one out. Trials Fusion was released Tuesday for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, the PC version will be available next week.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, is the rebranded continuation of Square Enix's MMO version of Final Fantasy. Choose a Class, race, and job and grind your way through a series of MMO and JRPG clichés. There's a simple litmus test on whether you should play this game or not, do you like Final Fantasy? Now do you like MMOs? With Elder Scrolls Online being released at the beginning of the month, the juggernaut of World of Warcraft, and the half dozen other popular MMO's out there this one is for a very specific audience. Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn was released Tuesday for PlayStation 4 and is available on PC. A quick bit of last minute news, if you have a PlayStation 3 copy of the game, you can upgrade it to a digital copy on PlayStation 4 at no cost.
Conception 2: Children of The Seven Stars, ok I know I said Shannon Tweed's Attack of The Groupies was weird last week, but Conception 2 might be stranger. So from what I've been able to gleam online this game is part JRPG and part dating simulator. In our continuing week of JRPG clichés there's some evil spawning monsters and it's up to Itsuki Yuge and a cast of supporting female characters to stop it by creating star children. The hook of the game revolves around creating strong relationships with the female characters which makes the star children. If I can ever find this game for $10 I might just have to play it out of morbid curiosity, but otherwise I'm going to pass. All those interested in making star children with anime ladies, Conception 2 Children of The Seven Stars was released Tuesday for PlayStation Vita and Nintendo 3DS.
Finn & Jake's Epic Quest is a 3rd person action adventure starring the titular Adventure Time duo. The Land of Ooo has been turned into a video game and it's up to Finn and Jake to figure out what's up. Players will explore the Candy, Fire, and Ice Kingdoms and do battle with show staples like the Ice King, Hugwolves, and penguins. I'm aware this was released as a browser game on Cartoon Network's website, at the time of writing I'm not sure if anything's been updated or changed from its original release, but it's available on Steam right now so go check it out.
That's it for this week, we still have a while until anything substantial comes out, so maybe make your way through your backlog. I just got my early access to Chroma Squad, and I've been picking up a few quick games of Pinball Arcade and some more Infamous Second Son. Remember to keep your eyes on Bleeding Cool for my other column Typing on The Dead our Walking Dead recap. I also do various games and comics features, which you can easily find out about if you follow me on Twitter @John_Laryngitis where I make awful jokes and harass people way more famous than me.
Jared Cornelius is some guy from New Jersey's coast who wore out on JRPG clichés a long time ago. If you'd like to make star children, contact him on Twitter @John_Laryngitis.