Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: avengers undercover, Batman, Comics, dc comics, entertainment, fantastic four, image comics, invincible, justice league, Marvel Comics, ms marvel, original sin, outcast, Rachel Rising, saga, superman, the goon, The Massive, trees, wolverine
Talking Comics – Discussing This Week's Upcoming Titles From Wolverine To The Goon, Rachel Rising, And Trees
By Randy Young and Chris Hunter
Bleeding Cool welcomes the return of Talking Comics, from Excalibur Comics, Cards, and Games in Shreveport, Louisiana, to discuss this week's upcoming books, speculating about where they are headed, and discuss their favorite storylines.
Hosts Randy Young and Chris Hunter say:
Welcome back to another episode! Folks, there's a ton of great stuff hitting the shelf this week, especially along with the storylines that we've been talking about from week to week. This week, we see another part of Wolverine's storyline concerning Three Months To Die! Where is Wolverine going with this storyline? What is going to be changing? Also, we get to see more of the Zero Year storyline with the newest issue of Batman! This is the next-to-last issue of the Zero Year storyline going on throughout the series and we can't wait to see how this story finishes! On top of that, there is a ton of more Original Sin stories that will be hitting the shelf, including two more issues of the Original Sin tie-in issues and it looks like Original Sin is going to hit the Fantastic Four this week!
The new number ones hitting the shelf this week are a few that we've been looking forward to for a while now! The new series by Robert Kirkman, Outcast, focuses on young man that has been plagued by demonic possession his entire life and now he's coming to find out more about that and how it may affect the world! Also, Marvel comics seems to be following the same formula that they used for Wolverine and are now introducing a Savage Hulk series starting this week written and drawn by Alan Davis! This is definitely going to be a beautiful looking series! And last but not least, we get an entirely new creative team taking over the Superman series and setting Superman out in a new direction to learn more about himself and the possibly have a friend or ally that knows exactly what he has gone through his entire life.
Don't forget that another issue of Saga hits the shelf this week and tons of our favorite comics series are continuing this week such as Invincible, Rachel Rising, Trees, and Avengers Undercover!
Be sure to login and leave your answer for the question of the week below! We really want to know what you think of comic books nowadays, so tell us in the comments section below!
Time stamps for this episode:
01:46 Wolverine #9
02:36 Batman #32
03:34 FF #6
03:47 Original Sins #2
04:30 Original Sin #3.1
13:44 Superman #32
15:09 Outcast #1
16:39 Savage Hulk #1
17:20 The Goon: One for the Road One Shot
21:15 Saga #20
22:33 Justice League #31
24:04 Invincible #112
25:20 Rachel Rising #26
26:10 Trees #2
27:17 The Massive #24
28:44 Avengers Undercover #6
30:27 Ms. Marvel #5
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