Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: catwoman, fatale, godzilla, justice league, larfleeze, morning glories, superman, uncanny, uncanny x-men, wolverine & The x-men, x-men, x-o manowar, young avengers
Sixteen Thoughts About Sixteen Comics – Prophet, Wolverine & The X-Men, Uncanny, X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Fatale, Young Avengers, Catwoman, Morning Glories, Mars Attacks: Classics Obliterated, Godzilla, X-O Manowar, Justice League, Age Of Ultron AI, Superman And Larfleeze
The original Youngblood, as seen from the far future of Prophet, Rob Liefeld redrawn by Simon Roy. I'm sure there are plenty of people who will make jokes about future anatomy looking no more ridiculous, but rather, enjoy its subtlety…
I always suspected teachers meetings went something like this, from today's Wolverine And The X-Men. The rule continues, this comic remains great as long as the action takes place either in the Jean Grey School Of Higher Learning or the Hellfire Academy. And dips down the moment they teleport outside…
And X-Men #2 proves that all women really want is a really big Care Bear to snuggle with at night. Vindication at last!
Fatale #15 gave me a sudden flashback to the first book by Ed Brubaker I read, many years ago in his semi-autobiographical Lowlife…
Write what you know, I suppose.
Young Avengers gives us a take on legacy superheroes – especially relevant given the team's previous pedigree. At least I hope he's not talking about Si Spurrier.
Uncanny proves why it deserves the title. This guys ability to understand and to know an opponents' skill base makes his decisions genuinely look… uncanny. Remind me, what is actually "uncanny" about X-Force these days?
Catwoman gets away with total cheesecake scenes as long as its with a voice that's putting a man down. Because how can that be sexist, eh?
It's Morning Glories. Something bad is always about to happen.
Mars Attacks Moby Dick. Looks like it's sushi for Martian lunch today.
Great pull-back-and-reveal in Godzilla Rulers of the Earth #1… but what happened to little lizard? Or "Gozuki" as I know have to call him?
It's not much of a choice, is it X-O Manowar? The X-O Manowar armor is essentially a god these aliens — and some of them are having a hard time coping with the realization that their God hates them all. Also, see Catholicism.
Wondered how Cyclops can see through that new visor of his? In Uncanny X-Men, so does Cyclops,
Justice League gives us the full Shazam Family treatment. And Mary wondering how she's the only one not to be wearing any pants.
In Age Of Ultron #10 AI, Mark Waid revisits one of the silliest comic book story denouements, that of Avengers #1, and basically makes sure it's fully in continuity. When Loki, fighting the Avengers begins to give off radioactivity, but Ant Man uses his ants to open a trapdoor dropping Loki into a lead lined tank. Which just coincidentally happened to be there. Thanks for the memories…
Tell me about it Clark, tell me about it.
It's my good lady wife's birthday tomorrow. I'm thinking of fashioning this scene from Larfleeze #1 into a card for her. Whether or not I survive past the morning will let you know whether I did or not.
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. Currently exhibiting Jason Atomic's Satanic Mojo, inspired by underground comics with work from Atomic, Shaky Kane, Garry Leach and more… for adults only. Go to the gallery and buy the comic…