Posted in: Comics, Review | Tagged: cannonball, comic book reviews, dani moonstar, how i met your mother, new mutants, sunspot, x-men
REVIEW: New Mutants #7 — "An Afro-Latinx Barney Stinson In Space"
(Marvel Comics, creative team: Jonathan Hickman, Rod Reis, Travis Lanham)
The most important thing to note here is that Bobby DaCosta is superbly entertaining. Chocolate coated, freaking habit forming, his Sunstreaker-flavored bravado and Deadpool-styled recapping is a thing of beauty. The artwork shows him at his ridiculous best, an Afro-Latinx Barney Stinson in space. What's less engaging is the milquetoast new majestrix of the Shi'ar Imperium, a dull and waifish slip of royalty that can barely hold a panel bigger personalities like Deathbird and Kallark around. No, what ultimately sunk this issue was the DIY battle scene complete with D6es that had zero effect on the plot. There's maybe five pages worth of story riffed nearly to infinity by Sunspot's bombastic charm. That won't do, because there aren't enough strong supporting characters or plot points to carry the day. RATING: HONORABLE MENTION.
Deep in Shi'Ar space, the NEW MUTANTS have found themselves dead in the middle of an intergalactic power struggle. They're probably equipped to handle that, right?