Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, hurricane, industry, sandy
The Comic Industry Tweeting Through Sandy
@stevebryantart we lost all,but survived.still have my studio in Queens,be going there this week to catch up while we look for a new place.
— Justa Killa Woodward (@JK_Woodward) October 31, 2012
I just realized that the massive rat population below NY is probably surfacing and got creeped the hell out
— DEATH Parker (@jeffparker) October 30, 2012
If you're on the east coast and your car is flooded, don't start it or it will suck water into the engine. Let it dry first. #ProTip
— Kody Chamberlain (@KodyChamberlain) October 30, 2012
everything I owned is lost, but I managed to save my portfolio with the pages for issue 6 & 7 in it and my paints. (2/3)
— Justa Killa Woodward (@JK_Woodward) October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween from war torn Brooklyn! I think the zombie apocalypse may have started outside – I hear chain saws ;)
— Amber Benson (@amber_benson) October 31, 2012
Lost in Prospect Park.…
— Amber Benson (@amber_benson) October 31, 2012
Creek still rising. #Sandy
— Alex de Campi (@alexdecampi) October 29, 2012
Hi @psnh ! Two trees down over power lines next to our house: on Adams Point Rd Durham. When can you fix? V dangerous
— Alex de Campi (@alexdecampi) October 31, 2012
Astoundingly, we still have powe
— Richard Thompson (@pooralmanack) October 29, 2012
Feeling really lucky after seeing all the damage Sandy caused. Man, she really kicked our asses, huh?
— Frank Tieri (@FrankTieri) October 30, 2012
Despite having no power and state if emergency conditions, @4thworldcomics was still selling comics today.
— Tom Brevoort (@TomBrevoort) October 31, 2012
these pieces of someone's house are all around the blocks near my place…
— Ivan Brandon (@IvanBrandon) October 30, 2012
I'm not an expert but that seems like maybe not the best place for a power line…
— Ivan Brandon (@IvanBrandon) October 30, 2012
we're now the only block in the immediate surrounding area i just walked that still has no power. dunno if that's a good omen or bad.
— Ivan Brandon (@IvanBrandon) October 31, 2012
OUr house is one of the few with power, so we are a trick or treat meca – very fun!
— Scott Snyder (@Ssnyder1835) October 31, 2012
Stopped to give a PSE&G guy some Halloween candy. He was doing gas assessment, so no help with the power sitch, but he still deserved it.
— Ben Morse (@BenJMorse) October 31, 2012
Wife: "The mail's coming! Holy crap! That's kind of amazing!" #Sandy #Thelittlethings
— Fred Van Lente (@fredvanlente) October 31, 2012
With shutdown of all East River bridges, #Sandy has done what hipsters never could: Completely cut off Brooklyn from Manhattan
— Fred Van Lente (@fredvanlente) October 29, 2012
This weather is a pleasant mix of rain and Cthulhu.
— Paul Tobin (@PaulTobin) October 31, 2012
One of the few able to make it into the office today. I just pray my bike doesn't get stolen.
— nick_lowe_ (@nick_lowe_) October 31, 2012
@naobrown no, that's right on the Atlantic. We're inland & got hit by wind more than water. Lots of trees down & power outages here.
— Philip Bond (@pjbond) October 31, 2012
You know @conedison, if we had gone with my idea of 3 million hamsters on 3 million hamster wheels, we wouldn't be in this predicament!
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) October 31, 2012
I swear I saw Daredevil by that water tower last night.…
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) October 31, 2012
My side of Manhattan last night…
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) October 31, 2012
If your local comic shop has delayed shipments, don't go buy the comics somewhere else. It's just a day. Be loyal to your shop. #comics
— Arune Singh (@arune) October 31, 2012
Hurricane Sandy #Sandy in Red Hook pix I took…
— Dean Haspiel (@deanhaspiel) October 31, 2012
Favorite Hurricane Sandy overheard anecdote: nearby adult novelty store flooded and the inventory floated out onto the highway.
— Joe Caramagna (@JoeCaramagna) October 31, 2012
This is nuts. New Jersey looks like a war zone. At mom's now, she has power but no internet. Happy Halloween!
— Joe Caramagna (@JoeCaramagna) October 31, 2012
I want to create a character that kills looters during natural disasters. You think kickstarter would work? lol…
— Jimmy Palmiotti (@jpalmiotti) October 31, 2012
I live on the 15th floor. The Mayor said to go to higher ground. Do I go up to 16 or 17?
— Jason Starr (@JasonStarrBooks) October 29, 2012
Power to the left if me, power to the left, stuck in the middle with none.
— chris eliopoulos (@ChrisEliopoulos) October 31, 2012
Made it through the night, no problemos! And I'm still electric!!! #sandy
— Jen Ghoul-wald (@jengrunwald) October 30, 2012
That's unnerving! "@eastvillchris: Everything I learned about how to survive in powerless post-Sandy lower manhattan I learned from #DMZ."
— Brian Wood (@brianwood) October 31, 2012
door buzzers don't work, trying to see if @natelbagel is
— The Late Kate Beaton (@beatonna) October 31, 2012