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The New Green Ranger is (Spoilers), Triggering First Appearances
Boom Studios' Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Complete Comic Collection Kickstarter ended as the fourth highest-funded comic book campaign of all time at over $804,000 last week, but… that wasn't the biggest news in Power Rangers fandom recently.
Over the last five months, we've been telling you about the new Green Ranger who first appeared in the final issue of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series . Besides being one of the most popular characters amongst Ranger fans, Boom has a history of making waves with new Rangers like Lord Drakkon, Ranger Slayer, and the Omega Rangers, and this incarnation came with a secret identity that's been hidden from fans. We also informed you that the new Green Ranger's identity would be revealed in Mighty Morphin #4 after Boom "accidentally" had two incentive covers leak when the solicitation for that issue was released. Leaked, as in, Boom sent the cover to Diamond and put them up as requested, and Bleeding Cool copied them before they realised that maybe they shouldn't have done that.
Mighty Morphin #4 released on Wednesday – the identity of the new Green Ranger was officially revealed in the issue. Beware spoilers lie ahead…
Near the end of the issue, Lord Zedd traps the city of Angel Grove in a dome of green chaos energy that shares more than a little in common with the dome in Crossover by Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw. The new Green Ranger is trapped within the dome with the citizens of Angel Grove.
In order to earn the trust of Angel Grove, the new Green Ranger broadcasts to the city and reveals his secret identity. In a moment that reminds us of the seminal Peter Parker revealing he is Spider-Man in Civil War, the Green Ranger takes off his helmet to introduce himself as… Matthew Cook.
For those not part of Ranger Nation, Matthew Cook is a classmate and friend of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. At one point he was Pink Ranger Kimberly Hart's boyfriend. Of the original friend group, he was the only one not chosen by Zordon to become a Power Ranger… until now it seems. As revealed in earlier issues of Mighty Morphin, Matt's new Green Ranger powers were given to him by former Ranger Grace Sterling, head of the mysterious Promethea, through the Dragon Power Coin. This is not only a massive reveal, but makes Matthew the first Ranger to reveal his identity to the public.
And with this revelation, Power Rangers architect Ryan Parrott and Boom have retroactively triggered some important first appearances. Matthew Cook was first introduced into the Power Rangers canon in Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #1. His first cover appearance was on Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #8 Cover C, the 1-in-15 incentive variant cover. Both issues are currently available at or around cover or ratioed price, but will they be for long?
The issue generated quite a bit of chatter online and Power Rangers fans appear to be embracing this reveal.
Meanwhile, retailers will be FOCing Mighty Morphin #5 on Monday, February 15th, which is the top-secret origin of how Matthew became the new Green Ranger. Will your store have enough copies of this key origin issue next month? If the history of Lord Drakkon and The Ranger Slayer is any indication, once the Ranger Nation activates, the answer is "no"…
Speaking of key issues and first appearances, all eyes are on the next massive global franchise Boom plans to make a comic shop mainstay – Magic: The Gathering in April. Like Power Rangers in 2016, the first images and solicitations from the new comic series have Magic fans talking. The announcement already sent collectors running to sock away copies of the first Magic: The Gathering: The Shadow Mage comic from Acclaim prompting it to land at #3 on YouTube influencer, ComicTom101's Top 10 Trending list with Tom touting Boom's launch as "potential bangers." And with Wizards of the Coast has already spotlighted the new Boom comic program on their Twitch channel, it looks like Boom is in a good position to repeat their Power Rangers success with Magic.