Posted in: Comics | Tagged: 24, Batman, batman eternal, bravest warriors, C.O.W.L., Chew/Revival, City, Comics, Deadly Class, dejah thoris, doc savage, Dr Spektor, elephantmen, future's end, ghostbusters, Gozilla, Harbinger, Interesting Drug, Midas Flesh, my little pony, Nightbreed, nightwing, peanuts, samurai jack, sex, shadowman, sheltered, skullkickers, Southern Bastards, star wars, suicide squad, Tanpopo, The Star Wars, thief of thieves, transformers, trees, twilight zone, x-files
39 Thoughts About 39 Comics – Interesting Drug, Trees, Batman, Nightwing, Suicide Squad, Chew/Revival, Sex, Crossed, God Is Dead, Thief Of Thieves, Skullkickers, The Star Wars, Peanuts, Elephantmen, Sheltered, Futures End, C.O.W.L., Midas Flesh, Deadly Class, Tanpopo, Batman Eternal, Southern Bastards, Dr Spektor, Nightbreed, Doc Savage, Bravest Warriors, Twilight Zone, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Samurai Jack, My Little Pony, Transformers, Harbinger, Shadowman, Gozilla, 24, City, Dejah Thoris, X-Files
Interesting Drug has come to the right place if they're looking for weird people… welcome to a few thoughts about a few of today's comics.
Jim Gordon there, world class diver, fully clothed, feet down, from the top of a Gotham skyscraper, in today's Batman #31.
Nightwing has a fashion dilemma in Nightwing #30.
Amanda Waller meets a fat person in Suicide Squad #30, finally allowed to be published after Forever Evil #7 turned up.
The Manhattan skyline, changed in Trees.
Usually in comic books when you see scenes like this, its indicative of a non literal parry of fists spread over time rather than captured in the moment. Not in Chew/Revival.
Well it worked for Indiana Jones didn't it? Oh, no, wait, it didn't… sorry Skullkickers, your days are numbered.
Even in George Lucas' first draft for The Star Wars, with very different looking characters, this still seems wrong.
The bad guys in Thief Of Thieves betray themselves with their stomachs.
In God Is Dead, Avatar Press does, well, what Avatar Press does best in the opening scene…
While Crossed Badlands breaks out the C word … and it's not Crossed. Zombie Shameless…
Sex assumes the position on the dance floor. And retailers move the comic to the top shelf again. Who'd be a kid eh? Take some of the children seen in today's comics…
Whether they are running away to the army in Elephantmen…
Getting their parents in trouble in the political superhero comic C.O.W.L. that, with one issue, puts Jupiter's Legacy in its place.
Even Peanuts #18 is full of angst.
While five years later at Futures End, another kid – albeit one possessed by the mind of Father Time – has managed to turn one childhood hero into a kick ass Jim Lee-style warrior woman with half a face.
Another is getting hold of weaponry and foul language to boot in Sheltered. Miley Cyrus has so much to answer for.
More foul language in Midas Flesh #6. Or at least an attempt at it.
Or trying to kill your parents in Deadly Class. Even the fat ones who would rather be eating crab right now. But it must get better musn't it? Time curing all ills, water going under the bridge, there must be eventual reconciliation, yes?
No, Southern Bastards keeps the hatred going beyond the grave. Still, some parents are worth that obsession. Such as a certain Stephanie Brown…
And yes, from Batman Eternal, this is your Stephanie Brown Watch. Stephanie appears on two pages this week.
As does Tanpopo Vol 2…
Nightbreed #1 is the only comic this week that includes the Lord's Prayer. Why is that?
Bravest Warriors #20 saves lives with frozen sugar syrup. What a hero! And how did he keep them so cold all this time? It doesn't make sense!!!
Probably by young children. "Idiot", "moron", "fuckface", that sort of thing. Poor Doc Savage. Even the new version is a bit of an old fashioned imperial relic. Still, at least he got to kill a black man.
Twilight Zone #5 deals with more prejudice against women, portrayed in relationships as golddiggers in a way that men just wouldn't. Portrayed by ghostly voices that is. #YesAllWomen
Dr. Spektor looks the part… but is the part he's trying to play, a Ghostbuster? Even they aren't themselves these days. Or are they…?
While the Ghostbusters are dealing with their future selves. Ghosts from the future, even…
Iowa, Kirk? By the garbage piles behind the fried chicken factory you mean? Star Trek keeps it real.
Samurai Jack #8 shows us that its all about the eyes. Nothing else matters.
The bag guys turn good – for a bit – in Transformers: Robots In Disguise #29. Again. Seriously, does this ever work out for anyone at all?
My Little Pony #19 decides to break comic books again. Stop pulling at threads Pinkie Pie, or the entire edifice will collapse around us. Again.
I din't know, the Godzilla reviews aren't that bad…
Shadowman: End Times rocks the simian look. He'd be a hit at steampunk conentions like that.
There you go folks. Harbinger #23 just weaponised Banksy.
Seriously, fellow. You live in the City, when a robodrone mistakes your phone for a weapon… drop the phone. It probably has gorilla glass anyway.
A traditional 24 greeting…
Even a Princess Of Mars can get slobbered on by doggie drool. Hey, we're allowed to call her Princess Of Mars now, right?
X-Files #12 derives its power from the foreshortened barrel of a gun. But only because our eyes allow it.
So… comics what have you picked up today?