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Posted in: Card Games, Dragon Ball Super, Games, Tabletop | Tagged: DBSCG, dragon ball, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Super Card Game, Realm of the Gods
2022 Hopes For Dragon Ball Super Card Game: How To Make The Year
Happy New Year! As 2022 begins, Bandai is already beginning to preview cards that will be featured in the next Dragon Ball Super Card Game set, Realm of the Gods. Today, I will look to the future and lay out my hopes for what Dragon Ball Super Card Game will deliver in 2022.
- A Themed Booster: DBSCG generally releases four main sets per year with a special set or two thrown in there. In 2021, we saw Battle Evolution Booster as a somewhat random set of cards released earlier in the year as the first "Evolution Booster" set and then Mythic Booster as the end of the year as a mixed reprint set. In the past, the special sets were Themed Boosters that were united around a single focus: Tournament of Power was the first, World Martial Arts Tournament the second, and the Saiyan/Frieza-focused Clash of Fates the third. It has now been almost three years since the release of a Themed Booster. These are some of Bandai's strongest releases and with a new Dragon Ball Super movie coming out, now is the time.
- More traditional reprints: Even though they are delayed, Bandai has set into motion full reprints of recent sets Rise of the Unison Warrior and Vermillion Bloodline. Reprinting entire sets as is works better to me than continuing the Mythic Booster series for collectors. I hope we see DBSCG continue down this route.
- Continue down the path of fan-favorite focuses: The last two sets Saiyan Showdown and Cross Spirits have done a great job of focusing on iconic characters and recreating important scenes from the anime. My hope is that this remains the direction with DBSCG pulling back a bit on featuring Super Dragon Ball Heroes characters and other non-canon material. That kind of stuff is a cool bonus but when it takes up the SCR slots in a set, opening packs feels a bit less exciting.
- Pull rate changes: With the dawn of God Rares coming to the hobby, the current SCR pull rates should change. Introducing a rarity that is going to be more scarce than two of a kind per case of twelve? Seems like a way to block completionist collectors from enjoying the hobby fully. To me, this plan works only if SCRs become a bit easier to obtain, with God Rares filling in the SCR rarity slot.

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